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"Come on Luke." Luke tried to push himself as he ran through the swampy area. He could feel the sweat dripping down from his forehead as he tried to keep up a steady pace just as Yoda had told him to.

The days were blurring together at this point. Time seemed to work differently on this planet. The days seemed longer while the nights just seemed so short, so he always felt that he was training constantly.

But what kept him going was the end goal. To be able to face Vader. He felt as though that was his main mission. Darth Vader.

The man that struck fear in everyone. The man that killed his father. The man that killed Obi-Wan and the reason Luke hadn't seen Amara in so long. Him as well as the Empire contributed to this.

He missed her. The connection to her was strong. He wanted to be near her because he felt it was right. The way she reached out to touch his face the first time they had met. It was as if she had been reintroduced to someone that she had lost a long time ago.

He felt her pain, her sadness...it had been stronger over the last few years. He wanted to be strong for her, just as she tried to be strong for him. He wanted to stop her suffering and her pain. Be there by her side.

When he would see her in passing while hiding, it was as if she already knew where he was. She was always protecting him, but he could never protect her from the hurt. That would change.

"Your thoughts are slowing you down, young Skywalker." Yoda spoke out gaining Luke's attention. Luke stopped to look behind him seeing the master already looking at him.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm just thinking about someone." Luke tried to explain himself. Yoda sighed out telling Luke to stop for a moment before continuing to speak.

"About Amara perhaps?" Yoda questioned. Luke looked up at Yoda trying to figure out how he knew. Right after he looked back down at the ground not knowing what to think of next.

"How did you know?"

"Obi-Wan tells me of the connection you two have. Before coming here, you called out to her, he says. A strong pull on people she has..." Yoda continued thinking of the past. The good and the bad.

"I want to see her. I don't know what it is, but when I try to think of my family, all I see is her. Everyone labels her a villain, but I don't...How do you know her?" Luke spoke of the woman highly.

"She was a bright jedi at the temple. Failed Amara I did. Saw things she did that I could not at the time. Because of that she lost everything. Including trust in Obi-Wan and I." Yoda looked down for the first time. Talking about Amara was always a serious conversation. She had a strong connection to a lot of people.

After Yoda finished talking, Luke realized the conversation was done for now since even he didn't know what to say. He tried to continue his training soon after doing everything Yoda asked of him.

This included climbing the vines that hung from the trees above as well as swinging on them to get him over larger bases of trees that were in his way.

Long runs were also a part of the training he needed. Luke could feel his body aching to the point where he wanted to fall on the ground and not get back up, but he kept going still. He couldn't stop now.

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