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"Lord Vader is expecting you now." A group of imperial Storm Troopers spoke after eventually coming to the prison cell that held Han, Leia and Chewbacca.

Amara was there as well, looking up to see the men meet her eyes as if to wonder what she was doing in the cell. Some of them already knew though, and couldn't understand the treachery she was commuting by supporting those that stopped the Empire from their goals.

But it wasn't like they were allowed to say anything. They knew as good as anyone else that she would kill them if they spoke up.

"Where are they being taken?" Amara spoke going towards the Troopers that were currently making there way over and handcuffing Han.

"They are being taken to an underground facility per order of Vader. That is all the information we are allowed to give to anyone." The trooper finished seeing that Han was ready to be transported.

Amara knew she was to follow, gaining Chewbacca's attention letting him know it was time to leave. He responded by lifting up the half fixed droid, 3PO, setting him on his back with the rest of the pieces now ready.


The emotions of fear and worry easily filled the air while traveling through Bespin, and honestly more would have been thought if 3PO hadn't disturbed the thoughts of those all around him with his constant talking. Mainly about the fact that he was being carried by the Wookie.

"If only you'd attached my legs, I wouldn't be in this ridiculous position. Now remember Chewbacca, you have a responsibility for me, so don't do anything foolish." The golden protocol droid spoke breaking the silence yet again.

Amara had tried to be kind, but it was hard to think of a plan when there was a droid behind them all, continuously nagging that his legs were still detached.

"3PO, now is not the time for this." Amara huffed greeting the silence that was brought back to her after the protocol droid was seemingly taken aback.

From the bright lights that shined in their face outside, they were eventually led to a place where darkness surrounded them making them uneasy.

They had walked into a dimly lit room, where most of the light were orange beams down below. It was also hot and humid, seeing as steam was blasted from the surrounding area as well.

The room seemed to be underneath the administrators palace, from what Amara could gather. But the whole thing was making her uneasy to the extremes. Her thoughts were loud as she tried to avoid walking directly over the steam that emitted from the floors.

After going up a few rows of stairs, is when Vader's figure became clear. His menacing mask stared at her from the moment she entered the room. She met his eyes from the mask and it was as if they were peering into her soul.

No one else could see those eyes, but they were always clear to her. His mask tilted down towards her, acknowledging her, but then his attention was pulled away by Boba Fett who had been standing near him, conversing with him.

Boba had snuck glances at Amara as well, but the conversation he was having with Vader seemed to grab his attention. Amara's head fell afterwards continuing forwards allowing the two to talk.

She stopped abruptly when the Storm Troopers would not allow Han and the others to proceed any further. Lando made his way towards them once they were at a complete stop.

Vengeance♔[Star Wars] {Book 4}{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now