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[Dagobah system]

After speaking briefly to Obi Wan on Hoth when he was close to death, and hearing what he had to say, Luke was now finally on his way to the Dagobah system.

There he was suppose to meet a great Jedi Master. Yoda was his name and his purpose was to help Luke get a better understanding of his Jedi abilities.

Luke had so much potential, but because he didn't know how to use his powers correctly, it only put him at a greater disadvantage in terms of fighting between him and Vader.

Upon arriving at the planet the first thing what was noticed immediately was that this place reminded Luke of a swamp. The sky grayed and gloomy, the clouds covering any signs of clear skies. Then there was the trees. Growing from the water beneath them, they grew tall, with their branch's aiming downwards back towards the water. The murky water also covered the entire surrounding area.

Lowering his ship, Luke tried to have a stable landing, but instead because of his inability to see where exactly he was going, he crashed down below instead.

The water splashed around his ship, R2 squealing out as a response. Luke immediately panicked opening his hatch door seeing that his ship was stuck.

Trying to release his ship from the murky water, knowing he couldn't stay here, he quickly messed with the controls in attempts to rise from out of the water. His ship shook violently as sweat beaded across his forehead while he tried to get out of this situation.

After a few moments of trying, he realized that if he kept pushing his ship to the max, his ship's engine would probably die.

"R2 I can't get the ship out. Come on we will have to leave it I guess." Luke sighed opening the hatch door, beginning to jump out.

R2 was reluctantly ready to go, and followed after Luke who had made it to shore as soon as leaving the ship. Following his tall friend, R2 jumped out landing in the sloshy water underneath. His beeps were enough to show his disdain to what was happening to him.

R2's paint use to shine beautifully, but now he was filthy, and covered in dirt and grime. He angrily tried to hurry this up beginning to make his way to shore, but his luck only continued to worsen when a creature suddenly came out pulling the droid under.

Luke had continued forward not even realizing that R2 was now under the water dealing with whatever creatures has been hidden underneath. It seems whatever had attacked the droid though didn't like the taste of metal, because R2 was soon shot from out of the water, crash landing on the ground below.

Luke hadn't noticed R2 slam behind him, but instead he was focused on taking in the planets swamp lands before him.

There were No cities, no villages, or even establishments. It was all just one big marshland with vines that grew from every corner, large trees, and mysterious animals that didn't want to be seen, but instead hide behind the shadows and watch.

He wondered how he would ever be able to find Master Yoda within a swamp area like this, but more importantly he wondered why a great master Jedi such as himself would even consider hiding out here.

He sighed out at the slight frustration of it all, before going deeper into the swamps in hopes of finding other life forms.


[Star Destroyer]

Amara arrived back on the star destroyer after Vader called upon her during her quest. Upon arriving, she opened the hatch door, carefully making her way down, trying to ignore the pain that followed with each subtle movement.

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