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Jimmy's pov

I felt kinda down because i did care about whatsername, she may have been a cunt but she was a good fuck buddy.

I sat on the side of the road looked at the stars and started to wander what life would have been like if i had a dad and my mum cared, if i cared if anyone cared about me. I hated the thought so i walked all the way to the house i used to live in, some people call it home but its not home to me. I snuck up the tree that i have been using to sneak in and out of for years.

My room was freezing making me shiver, looked at guitar that was recked but loved and picked it up, picked the strings one by one. Of course it was out of tune a bit like me really, i tuned it up and tried to be as quite as possible considering my mum was now home.

Out of the blue i heard a baby screaming piercing my ears and making me drop my guitar. What the fuck why is a baby screaming!? Without thinking i opened my tattered door into the hall way...my eyes met with a man i haven't seen before he had a good face structure but looked shocked that i was here and called my mum's name.

I was so confused at this point ,who is he? Why is there a fucking baby? Then my mum came around the corner...that moment i figured it out. She had replace dad.

I looked in her eyes she had fear in her eyes that soon started to tear up, im surprised because i didn't think she cared about me anymore, but at that moment every sound faded out and nothing was there apart from me and her and it felt like syringes where stabbing at my heart making me dizzy and my head hurt.

(Jimmy's mum pov)

What was he doing her? My beautiful mess of a son. I just didnt know what to say he was probably so hurt and confused.

He screamed 'WHAT THE FUCK MOM' this made the baby scream more. I gestured to jack (my boyfriend) to go calm taylor down(my beautiful new baby). 'WHAT THE FUCK!' He said again louder probably meaning he wants an answer. 'I-Im sorry jimmy i thought you where never coming home' i stuttered 'HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT TO YOUR OWN SON THAT YOU MADE A MESS OF, YOU'RE THE ONE THAT RUIND ME!!!?' He screamed with a crack in his voice.
I cant think of words to form that wont anger him.

His eyeliner was a mess at the moment and looked liked he was stoned and had been crying and i just wanted to hug him , he is right it was my fault. He went back in his room to get his guitar and came out again angrily and pushed the door to the room with taylor and shouted fuck u at jack, pushed past me and said to me 'poor taylor is gonna end up like me' then he left without saying goodbye, again.

(Jimmy's pov)

I didnt know where i was going, i have no friends or family not even food. Just drugs and a broken soul.

I ended up sitting in field playing my guitar smoking a joint, it was now around 6 in the morning fuck i have had no sleep once again i need to get my life together even though i loved being a mess it gave me some kinda rush. Although i need to get my life together im not going to the thought of sitting in an office all day kills me.

I always knew i was different, all the kids on my street all got a fucking bike or ds or what ever and i was there playing with the door handle that my mom had locked when i was little. All i have is my dads guitar that my mum was gonna smash. I have always dressed differently and had anger issues so i always got in trouble. Why am i like this?

*a few weeks later*

I woke up in someones bed i sat up in confusion and felt my head spin holy fuck it hurt like a bitch. It took a moment to get my senses back and i realised i was dripping with sweat. I looked to my right a really hot girl was the fast asleep she was beautiful did this really happen again? I tried to see who it was i couldnt see her face, i think her name is Ellie from what i remember and a dude called Jason but thats probably just one of my old mates that is in my head for some reason.

I got up trying not to wake Ellie and walked to a door i dont know where it goes ,i hope the bathroom. Yup i was right. I looked in the mirror and only just noticed i was naked and had hickeys all over me, what the fuck happened last night?

After i cleaned myself up i went through another door leading to the living room. There was a guy there with black curly hair drinking coffee and holy fuck he was cute.

'Hey babe, you have fun last night with Ellie and me?' He said softly and walking over to me and kissing me on the cheek.

'What did happen last night also are u jason?' I said feeling slightly confused but lifted by the kiss.

'Well, yes i am Jason and last night we met you at a club and the three of us got on really well and we all got off our face, then we came here you fucked me real good and then slept with my sister Ellie'

The way he said it so casually frightened but made my very happy at the same time. 'Oh okay so whats gonna happen now?'

'I dont know stay with me for a while you look like you need a home' he said with the sweetest voice

'Um okay um sure y'know thats cool' i said not realising how much of a spazz i sounded like but then sat on the couch and tried to remember what exactly happened. Jason came out of the kitchen handed me a spliff and kissed me lightly 'so you gonna stay?' He said and it made me feel warm inside

'Yh i guess thanks dude' i said sounding awkward.

Btw Jason isnt Jason White just a random dude

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