Double Date part.2

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My heart begin to pound like it was about to jump out of me any second now. My eyes were glued on Jack..He looked so nice. His tall figure walking smoothly as his tight shirt fit him quit nice. Oh and those bright blue eyes of his that just make me want to - Wait hold up. Snap out of it Elsa!  

I forced myself to look away as Jack let out a short chuckle and smirked down at me before throwing his arm over tooths shoulders. I rubbed my lips together and took a quick glace at the couple. Jack smirked at me which made my face go hot. That dumb but cute smirk of his! Just makes me want to- to uh punch him! yeah punch him

That dumb feeling of seeing them together is growing again. GO AWAY. I sighed quietly and forced a smile as Jake begin to speck to the other couple.

"Hey jack, and hello tooth" Jake said as He did that quick bro hug as waved awkwardly as tooth before returning to me and sliding him arm around my waist making me jump a little from the sudden touch. The feeling of being uncomfortable started to form but I tried my best to ignore it as best as I can.

I smiled at them in which Jacks face now looked unhappy?  He was just smirking a second ago why the heck is he now showing an unpleasant expression and why the hell am I being nosy.  Psst i'm imagining it. I snapped out of my thoughts when tooth spoke.

"Hi Jake" tooth said as she pushed a piece of her short hair out of her face and a small blush appeared on her face. 

Hold up Why is she blushing all he did was say hi. Wait am I reading this right?


"So guys how about Elsa and I go for a walk and y'all do whatever you want then we will meet up later?" Jake smiled at us as he pulled Elsa a bit closer to him. I don't want to leave those two together! What if he tries to make a move on Elsa?! I opened my mouth to deny his offer but was quickly shut down when tooth grabbed my hand and spoke up. 

"Sounds like a plan! See y'all later. " tooth said before smiling and pulling me after her. Walking away from Elsa and Jake.

Time Skip 30 Minutes Later

I nodded my head as I had my hands stuffed into my pockets and was kicking a rock as tooth talked about who knows what. I sighed and glanced at my wrist watch. It's been thirty minutes.

"Hey toot- What is wrong?" I looked back and noticed tooth had stopped walking a few steps back. She was looking down as her feet as she played with a piece of her dress.

"Jack come.." She whispered as she looked at me. I raised my eyebrow at her before stepping in front of her like she told me to do. "Whats wron-" 


"Hey Jake ill be right back I need to use the bathroom." I smiled at him as he nodded in agreement. I quickly turned around and speed off to the restroom area. 

I was a wondering where Jack and Tooth were but I was to lazy to look for them and it's not my business to go spy on them.

As I was heading to the restroom I stopped in my tracks as I tried to abject on what I was looking at. A small sting from my heart rises as I saw



"oh my-" I gasped as I quickly backed away and turned around quickly. Not waiting to watch more. My heart begin to pound and my hands begin to sweet as tears begin to form. Stop Elsa don't.

As I begin to speed walk back to where Jake was someone grabbed my wrist. I turned around quickly and meet the eyes of Jack. I gasped and tried to pull my wrist away before my tears escaped.

"Else why are you crying?" Jack spoke softly as he tightened his grip on my wrist and looked at me waiting for my response.

"B-because" I managed to stutter out before a tear finally escaped my eye. No stop you're embarrassing your self. 

"Because what?" Jack asked.

"BECAUSE I LIKE YOU OKAY ,AND WHEN I SAW YOU KISS HER MY HEART BROKE. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY I THOUGHT SOMEONE LIKE YOU WOULD LIKE SOMEONE LIKE ME!" I yelled before quickly covering my mouth as I noticed I captured the attention of people around us.

"Elsa I-" I cut him off quickly not waiting to hear him reject me and pulled my wrist away harshly before backing away from him and turning around as I hugged myself.

" Look I know Jack you don't have to tell me..bye Jack " I whispered as I sighed and walked away from him.

"Elsa i..."


Hey guy i really sorry i haven't updated but i did now i hope you like this chapter.


Thanks bye❤

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