Chapter One (Intro)

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I smell the sweet aroma as I walk into the coffee shop.

"Hello, what can I get for you?"

"A carmel ice rage please."

"Alright, what's your name, love?" the guy behind the counter says.

I blush. "Brooke," I say with a smile.

I sit down and open my book waiting for my name to be called. He calls it a few minutes later and I walk up.

"Here," he says.

"Thanks." I turn to walk out of the shop and I look at my cup. I see a number on it with the name Harry.

I turn around and look at him. He winks at me then goes back to work. He's cute.

As I walk outside, I pull my sweater closer to my body. The air is cold and the wind is crisp. I grab my phone and text Harry telling him who I am.

I walk into my house and scream for my best friend Emma.


"I met a guy today," I tell her with a sly smile.

"Name? Details!"

"His name is Harry. He works at the coffee shop. He's totally cute!"

"Oooh," she winks. "I met a guy, too. His name is Niall. I met him at the park."

We gush for a while about these two boys before Harry asks me to meet him at the park down the street.

"I got to go, Em."

"Have fun, dear. Make sure to wear a jumper. It's freezing."

I smile at her.

I walk out the door and down the street. When I find Harry I smile.

We sit down and talk for over an hour about life and what we want to do when we're older. I found out he's in the same uni as I am.

I look at my phone and see that it's almost ten at night.

"Oh, I have to go, Harry. It's getting really late."

"Okay, but there's one more thing before you go."

I nod, waiting for him to continue.

He leans in close and our lips brush gently in a soft kiss. He pulls back. "I want to know if you would like to be my girlfriend."

"I'd love to be your girlfriend." I smile up at him. I kiss him again, quickly before I leave. As I'm walking I pull out my phone to text Emma that I'm on my way home.


"Oh shit, I'm so sorry," I say running into someone.

"It's okay. Are you alright."

"Yes, I'm totally fine, are you alright."

"Yes," he says.

I apologize again and he smiles and reassures me. We get to talking and before I know it, half an hour has gone by.

"I better get going," I say.

He nods. "Yeah, me, too. Can I get your number before you leave though?"

"Sure," I say. I write it on a piece of paper and hand it to him.

"Oh, I'm Brooke by the way."

"Niall," he says.

"Oh, you met my friend earlier. Her name is Emma?"

"Oh yeah. She's really cool. And pretty."

I nod with a smile.

"Well text me Niall."

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