Chapter Four

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I turn bright red as I look at the note.

Niall continues to talk, not knowing what just happened. I love how oblivious he is sometimes. He makes me laugh.

"Hey, Brooke?" Niall says.


"I think it's time we get going. It's getting pretty late and you have class tomorrow."

"Shit," I mumble under my breath. We all stand up to leave.

As we're walking up my front steps, Niall hugs me goodbye. Liam hugs me too.

"Text me," he says in a whisper. He kisses my cheek and walks off.

Niall gives a skeptical look and I just stand there with my mouth hanging open.

Niall shakes his head with a laugh and hugs me goodnight again.

I walk into my house and up to my room. Emma doesn't try to talk to me, but she looks really upset about it. I don't feel sorry for her. Stupid bitch, stealing my boyfriend.

I laugh as I think that, I never say that kind of stuff.

I grab my phone and sent Niall a quick goodnight text. I put Liam's number into my phone and then text him, also. I tell him that I'll text him tomorrow.

I agree he's cute, but I barely know him. What if he's a jerk? Well, you gotta live life without being afraid, right?


As soon as class gets out, I check my phone. Two text messgaes from Niall.

From: Niall :)

Brooke!!! Text me!!!

Seriously text me! It's important!!!

I instantly think something is wrong. I quickly call him and fill with relief as I hear his laugh on the other end.

"Niall, you scared the hell out of me! What's going on!"

"I just got a gig! Like, me singing and playing guitar. On stage. My music. Me!"

I squeal with excitment! "Oh, Ni, I'm so proud of you! We are totally going out tonight to celebrate!"

"Great! I'll call Liam!"

I hang up smiling from ear to ear. Niall has been talking about his music non-stop lately, but he won't let me hear anything yet.


I pull into my drive way and see Emma outside with Harry. I get out of my car and hurry as I walk past them. I don't want to have to talk to either of them.

"Brooke, wait," I hear Emma say.

I turn quickly on my heel.

"What? I actually don't have a boyfriend for you to steal right now so if that's what you want, you're out of luck."

"Brooke, I never wanted to steal Harry!"

"But you did! Do you understand that! You guys hurt me! Hell, I could get over him, but the fact that my best friend did that to me still hurts. If you likes him, you should have just said something!"

"I didn't want to hurt you."

"Yeah, well look how well that turned out." I turn and walk up to my room, ignoring the tears in my eyes.

I grab a few things from my dresser like my favorite perfume to put on while I drive to meet Niall and Liam.

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