Chapter Three

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I ignore Emma as I walk into our house.

"Brooke!" she calls after me.

I continue to walk to my room. I slam my door and fall onto my bed. I hear a knock.

"Go away," I say, laying face down on my bed.

I hear my door open.

"I said-oh. Hi Harry."

"Hey babe."

"Don't babe me," I say. I feel the anger rushing through me.

"What? Why?"

"Oh, like you don't know."

He sighs. "Let me guess, Emma?"

I nod curtly.

"Babe, Emma is just a crush that I'll get over."

"Oh so you admit you like her!" I stand up and start to pace. I run my hands through my hair.

"God, can you be any more of an ass?" I scream.

"Yes, I can be. I could tell you how hot I think she is, or how perfect her smile is, but I'm not doing that because I'm with you."

"Get the hell out of my room. Go see your perfect little Emma."

As soon as he leaves my room, I let myself fall. I start to sob. I hear my phone go off. I pick it up.

"Hey, Brooke. Wanna go out to coffee today?"

"Of course," I say to Niall. "Be there in 10."

As I arrive, I find Niall sipping his coffee slowly. I feel another wave of hurt as I see my friend upset.

I go sit by him and he looks up at me.

"Hey, Brooke."

"Hey, Ni. How are you holding up?"

He shrugs. I frown at him. "Niall, You can't just shrug. You're a mess. I mean look at your hair."

He looks up at me and puts on a sad smile. "I keep running my hands through it," he sighs. "It's a nervous habit."

I smile at him knowing I'm getting him to open up instead of just sulking.

"When I'm nervous, I chew on my lips. Sometimes I do it so bad that they get swollen. It's terrible."

He lets out a small chuckle and I smile with him.

His phone, which was sitting on the table, lights up.

He picks up the phone.

"Hello? Yeah go ahead. We're at the coffee shop on eighth street," he smiles. "Yeah we'll see you in a moment."

He looks at me and smiles. "I hope you don't mind, but my friend is coming."

I shake my head, but my stomach flips. What the hell.

We wait a few minutes before a car stops where we're sitting.

Niall stands up and walks to the car as someone gets out. My jaw drops as Niall hugs his friend.



"H-hi," I reply.

"I'm Liam."

"Brooke," I say with a blush.

Niall sits down in between us and continues to sip his coffee. Liam orders a cup, too and we all sit and talk. Niall suggests going to the park.

As we're walking in the park Liam's hand brushes mine. I blush again.

We all sit under a tree and when Niall is talking up a storm, Liam slips a piece of paper in between my fingers. I look down at my hand then back up at him. He winks at me.

I open the paper and I see his number written down.

'Call me sometime' it says.

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