chapter five ⇾ bilious

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Jake angrily threw the worn metal box he was holding to the ground

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Jake angrily threw the worn metal box he was holding to the ground. "Son of a bitch!"

The box had contained money, a lot of it. Jake could only conclude one person who would've taken it.
He rushed to his truck, jumping in and taking off, driving to the Belmont home. Jake tore through the dirt of the back driveway of Will and Summers house, truck rocking back and forth. Will was working on the farm plot, completely oblivious to Jake's arrival. Jake jumped out of the truck, stomping through dirt. Jake was glad Summer had gone shopping with Riley, she wasn't home.

"Will!" He yelled.

Will shut off the machine, looking towards Jake.

"Will, we got a serious ass problem dude. The money's gone. I think Tyler took it."

Will pursed his lips, taking off his gloves. "No he didn't. I took it."

Jakes mouth dropped open. "What? Red card, dude. Took it where?"

Will chuckled. Jake was angry, Will was being sketchy. All it would take for Jake to crash and burn was one mention of the situation to Summer.

"Well you should be thanking me that I got to the cash before Tyler did." Will said.

Jake started to get defensive. "Not your decision, we're partners."

"Well you promised to shut down our little operation, partner. And I know you haven't."

Jake didn't blink. "I did." He lied.

Will raised his eyebrows. He wasn't an idiot.

Jake sighed. "Okay, I considered your request." He admitted. "But you're not seeing the upside of keeping this thing going."

"That because I don't have a rich mommy like you do. They trace us back to this, its all over. My scholarship, Emma. We'll both lose Summer. She'll never forgive us for something like this. We lose everything, Jake. Everything."

Jake's stomach twisted when Will mentioned Summer. Will walked back to the machine, starting it up.

"Come on bro, where's the cash?" Jake yelled after him.

"Shut it all down, and maybe you'll find out. Bro." Will retorted.

" Will retorted

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