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I started to run to the door, but a hand wrapped around my wrist.
I turned around to be met with Noah's big eyes.
"Let me go! I have to go find him!" I yelled at Noah.
"Summer. Wait." Will walked over to me, holding his side.
"Brooke said the Killers out there, you could be walking straight into a trap." He said to me.
"Jake could be dead." I said, tears were running down my face.

"I'll go out and find them, you three need to find a way out." Will said, he started walking towards the door, but had to lean against the counter.
"You can barely stand, but hey if you want to make it easier for him, just be my guest." Noah walked towards the door and opened it.

The killer was standing right in front of it.
Noah and Will instantly ran to the door and blocked it.
"You guys! Go!" Will yelled at us.
"No I'm not leaving you here alone he could kill you!" I yelled.
"Just go! I'll be fine!" He nodded.
I hesitated, but ran out to the main room of the bowling alley, Noah and Brooke close behind.


I looked around, and my eyes landed on someone sitting against a pole.
"Jake!" I yelled, running over to him.
He was unconscious, and there was a knife sticking out of his chest.
I cupped his face with my hands.
"Jake, no!" I said in between breaths.
Brooke ran over to us, and looked at the knife.
"Oh my god" she knelt down beside us.
Jake all the sudden took a big gasp of air, and Brooke and I did the same.
He looked at me, and painfully smiled.
"You weep for the Jake." He said, and I laughed.
"Were gonna get you out of here." I said, pushing the hair stuck to his sweaty forehead out of his eyes.
"That would be good." He said.
I looked at Brooke, and she put her hands around the handle of the knife while I put my hands on his shoulders.

"Yeah, but this part won't be." Brooke said to Jake.
She pulled the knife out of his chest, flying back when she did. Jake screamed in pain, and I winced at his pain.
Brooke crawled back over to us.
"Give me your jacket." I said, and she hurriedly took her jacket off.
I pressed it against Jakes shoulder to help with the bleeding.
"Jake?! Where are you?!" I heard Emma yell.
"Emma!" Brooke yelled back while I helped Jake stand.

We didn't hear her yell back, but we heard people enter the building.
Brooke and I helped Jake walk out of the bowling aisle.
"Help, Jakes hurt!" Brooke yelled, and a police officer ran to help us.
Jake was putting most of his weight on me, but trying to stand up straight.
Brooke was on his other side, holding the jacket against his chest.

A door in front of us swung open, and the office whipped out his gun, pointing it at who came out.
"Hey! Hey! Its me. I'm friendly!" Noah yelled. "Cmon, I found a quicker way out of this hell hole." He said, and we were all lead out of the building.
Jake was put in an ambulance, but I decided it was best if I stayed with my brother, so I gave him a kiss and Brooke climbed in after him.

I walked over to a deputy who wanted to talk to me, and inspect me for any injuries.
I told her what I knew, and looked at the ambulance that Jake was in.
After I was done being questioned, I walked over to Will and sat down in front of where he was sitting on the ground.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him.
"Pained, but okay." He answered.
"We survived tonight. All of us. Were all okay." I said, and he smiled.
"Yeah, we are."
I hugged my brother, glad he was still alive.


Its the day after the bowling alley attack, and I was sitting in the hospital waiting for Jake to wake up.
Brooke was the only one here with me, but she was asleep in a chair.
I grabbed my purse, and walked out of Jakes room, and to the cafe downstairs.

I ordered my usual macchiato, a hot coffee and a cup of ice for Jake, and Brooke's usual.
I paid and went back to Jakes room.
I set the drinks down, and sat down on the edge of Jakes bed.
I grabbed his hand.

"I can't put into words how thankful I am that I didn't lose you last night. I love you Jake. You changed my life more than you'll ever know." I whispered.
He was asleep, so he wouldn't know I ever said that.
My phone started vibrating on the table next to Jakes bed, and I looked at who was calling me.
The Lakewood police department.

"Hello?" I said, answering the phone.
"Hello is this Summer Belmont?" What I'm guessing is a deputy asked through the phone.
"Yes, that's me." I said, standing up and walking into the hallway.
"Ms. Belmont, I have some bad news. Something had happened to your brother, Will."
My breathing hitched, and when I responded my voice was shaky.
"What news." I said.
"We need you to head home, you'll be informed there."
"I'll be there in five minutes." I said, running back into Jakes room and grabbing my keys, before heading down the elevator and to my car in the parking lot.

When I got to my house, police cars, ambulances, and a car from the morgue were all at my house.
There was a big group of people in my front yard, and everything seemed to be taking place in my backyard.
I walked over to the group if people, and saw Emma in the middle.
She was covered by splattered blood.
I widened my eyes, and ran into my backyard as fast as I can.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw what was going on.

A body was being moved.

It was sawed in half vertically.
I couldn't see its face because of the damage, but I recognized the clothes.
It was Will.
I put my hand over my stomach, and my mom ran over to me.
She was sobbing, and the more I looked at Wills body, the more I had to throw up.
But I didn't throw up.
I screamed. I screamed loud enough for people a mile away to hear it.
When I stopped screaming, I started crying uncontrollably, dropping to the ground with my hand over my mouth.
"No! What happened?!" I yelled in between sobs, and mom stroked my hair.
She shook her head, indicating she didn't know what happened.

I watched the people dealing with my brothers body grab one side each, and life him into a body bag.
That's when it truly hit me.
My brother is dead.

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