chapter twelve ⇾ search and rescue

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"We'll find him." Jake said to me as we walked up to a building that Noah tracked my brothers phone to.
I looked up at him.
"I just hope we find him alive." I said.
He leaned down and kissed me.
Brooke, Emma, Noah, Jake and I all came to this building together to find the missing Belmont.

"Okay. Creepy building, psycho killer, time to weapon up. I got a skinner, and a gut hook." Jake said, pulling out two weapons from his backpack.
I widened my eyes, and Jake smirked, handing me the gut hook.
I took it, but only because I knew I'd probably have to cut some ropes tonight.

"What why exactly?" Noah asked, as I put the gut hook into its carrier and put it in my belt loop.
"To skin and gut things?" Jake said, and Emma's phone started ringing, and she walked away.
We were a trying to get the door open while she talked on the phone.
When she hung up, we all walked down the stairs to her.

"We gotta find a way in." Brooke said.
"Okay, you guys go that way" She said to Jake and Brooke, motioning to behind them. "And Noah, Summer and I are gonna go this way" she motioned behind Noah and I. "And we'll meet you around back." She said.
"That sounds like the first of many bad decisions" Noah said.

Jake walked over to me and spoke.
"Write your blood type on your boots and leave letters to your loved ones." He said, looking down at me.
He hugged me.
"Let's shake and Jake." Jake said, and we all split up.


Noah, Emma and I walked in silence, and we found a gate that was perched open.
When we walked through it, Noah kept looking around, he was jumpy.
"Noah you have to stop doing that." Emma turned around and said to him.
"Well I would walk backwards but there's a lot of broken glass." He said.
"You're making me more nervous then I already am, okay?" Emma said.
I fell into step besides Noah, and grabbed his hand, interlacing our fingers, to calm him down.
He looked down at our hands, and kept walking.
"Sorry. As much as I enjoy a good indie horror flick, in real life, its just really terrifying." He said.
"This doesn't feel right." Emma said, and she stopped walking. "I mean, why is he changing the game all of the sudden."
"Its cause he's playing chess instead of checkers. It started with Riley, and now Will. He's making you responsible for who lives or dies." Noah said.
"And I have all the pieces to lose." Emma said.

We kept walking, and eventually found a door.
When we walked inside, Emma asked what the place is.
"I don't know." Noah answered her. "Its not a happy place."
We walked forward.
"Will!?" I yelled, my voice echoed through the building.
We walked through an opening and into a big room.
"Its a bowling alley." I said, and Noah said something about the mural on the wall.

I heard steps behind us, and spun around.
"That's for waiting up" Brooke said as she and Jake came into view.
Relief seemed to wash over Jakes face when his eyes landed on me, and he walked over to me, grabbing my hand and interlacing out fingers.
We kept walking forward.

"It smells like wet dog and car wax." Brooke said.
A bash was heard across the room, and I jumped.
A bowling ball rolled down a path.
"Well that was terrifying." Noah said.
"God I hate bowling." Brooke said.
Emma turned around and looked at us.

"Okay, I understood why he took me to the hospital, but why would he bring Will here." Emma said.
"Its abandoned. Nobody comes here. So it would take awhile for us to get here, and find him." I said.
"Yo this place is big. We should split up finding Will." Jake suggested, and I looked up at him.
"Said no one who survived a horror movie, ever." Noah said.
"Noah, Summer, you come with me. You guys, stay together." Emma said, motioning to Jake and Brooke.
Jake leaned down and kissed me, gave me a tight hug, and we split up again.


"We've looked everywhere" Emma said as we walked down an aisle in the back of the bowling alley.
"Maybe he's not here." Noah said and I looked at him.
"Do not say that. I don't want to think about other places he could be." I said.
"He's gotta be here. Its part of the game. I'm missing something." Emma said.
"What exactly did your psycho say?" Noah asked Emma and I.
"That it was hide and seek." Emma said.
"What do you hide in a bowling alley?" I questioned.
Noah said something about where you make it all work, and I got up.
The operating room.
I started running towards the operating room, with Emma and Noah close behind.
We found the door and I kicked it open.

Will was hanging by ropes tied to his wrist from the ceiling, he was unconscious.
"Will!" I yelled, running over to him.
I started searching for the rope that was holding him up, and I found it.
I pulled out the gut hook and cut the rope, Emma caught Will before he hit the floor.
I ran over to him, and ripped the ropes and ties from a round his ankles and wrists while Emma tried to get him to wake up.

Brooke bust into the room and I looked up.
"The killers here, and Jakes still out there." She said, blocking the door.
I few more worries, and turned back to Will, lifting his shirt up to look at the stab. It didn't look good.
By now Emma, Brooke and I were all in tears, and Noah's phone started ringing.
He yelled and walked back over to us.
"Will please, this can't be how you die." Emma said while crying.
I was applying pressure to his stab, trying to slow the bleeding, when Will started gasping for air, and woke up.
He started looking around and we pulled him to sit up.

We were all dealing with Will, when Emma looked at us.
"Okay this might sound crazy, but I'll be right back." She said, and ran out the door.
Will had us help him stand up, and we started working out what to do.
Then we heard a scream.

"Help! Where are you!"
My eyes went wide and I looked at the door.
"Jake" I yelled at Will and Brooke.

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