Chapter 28

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I blinked my eyes and backed away from Asher feeling dazed.  Deep breathes were taken out of both of our mouths. Asher had his eyes closed and was taking labored deep breathes. He opened his beautiful eyes which were full of love and longing.

He closed his eyes and said "I promise I will tell you everything, just for now know that I'm not normal." He opened his eyes and held my hands in his, "All that matters is the connection between us, nothing else can come between that." His eyes were wide and serious as he brought my hands up to his lips and lightly kissed them.

In my heart I knew his words were true, no matter what he tells me about himself I don't think I'll be able to leave him. Something about the chemistry between us makes me feel like nothing could ever come in between us. Even though I want to know what makes him not normal right now I just really want to snuggle my face into his neck. There I know I will be safe.

I stuck to my natural instinct and snuggled my body against his chest and snuggled my face into his neck. Asher put his arms around me and said "You already have me wrapped around your little finger baby girl." I smiled against his neck and gave his neck a light kiss. "To be honest before I saw you, I didn't give a shit about anything on this world. But as soon as I saw you I knew I would do anything to make you happy and safe."

I'm glad my face is against his neck because my face is currently red thinking about his words. The thought that I was this much of a big deal to someone bewilders me.

"You know you are never going to set foot back in that house, right?" He said making me move my face from his neck. I looked down at our hands and nodded knowing that everything with Bill has gone way too far for too long. Asher touched my cheek lightly while looking at me, "You will always be safe with me in your life." I blushed and nodded, to be honest I believed his words completely.

"Come on baby doll, let's get you to bed" Asher said with a grin. Before I could respond he stood up with me still in his arms. I grinned and snuggled my face into his chest. He walked over to his dark blue bed and lightly set me down with my head on a pillow. I giggled and hid my face in the pillow knowing that this is where he sleeps every night.

I could hear him shuffle around the room before lightly touching my arm, causing me to look up at him. "You need to change for bed baby girl" he said with an article of clothing on his arm. I nodded and reluctantly sat up. "You can wear this for the night if you would like" he said gesturing to the shirt he was holding.

I stood up and grabbed the shirt with a small smile, "Thank you" I said with a light kiss on his cheek. He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. I walked to the bathroom I saw when I entered the apartment.

Walking into his bathroom I noticed in the mirror that I am a blushing like crazy and my hair is a mess. I turned on the water and splashed some water on my face and tried my best to de-tangle my hair.

I took of my clothes from the day besides my bra and panties, and put on his long grey shirt. Once I had it on, I couldn't help myself but smell the shirt to see if it smelled like him. To my luck it did. I looked at myself in the mirror and tried to see if the shirt could cover any more. It went passed my butt and was mid thigh but I still felt exposed.

I gave up knowing that there was nothing I could do. With the clothes from the day in my arms I walked out of the bathroom with as much courage I could muster. The sight on the bed made me stop in my track.

Author's Note

I promise I am going to try my best to do regular updates :)

If any of you want to follow my tumblr I have a main one (mainly tattoos and bands) and a side one (super girly and low key kinky)

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I just wanted to put those out there in case anyone would be interested :)

With love, Elena <3

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