Chapter 5- To Be Training

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I wake up and fall out of bed. As my face get reacquainted with the floor, I realize I have at least two people who want to kill me. Fun. I get dressed in a simple white tank top and black sweatpants. I look at myself in the mirror, and see that I'm still in full makeup. So I hop in the shower, and put it on what looks like the fastest cycle. I get in the weird human dryer; all of the makeup is washed away now, and get re-dressed, pull my hair back up into a ponytail, and run out the door. I'm still a little bit early, as I'm the only one here. So I grab some food and sit down at a table in the middle.

I drink something from a table labelled LATTES, and it's so good, I get another one. It makes me feel somewhat hyper, so I stop drinking it for now. I eat some Belgian waffles and strawberries as Glimmer sits down with Fish Girl following behind her.

"Hey Clove," Glimmer says.

"Hey Glimmer. You should get a latte. It's really good. Can you get me one while you're up?" I ask her. What it's addictive! Latte...the name even sounds tasty. She comes back, holding two lattes. She hands me a caramel-looking one, and we both take a sip at the same time.

"You're right, these things are great. But what is it?" she asks.

"I don't know, but something that tastes this good has to be good for you!" I reason as I take another sip.

"What is that thing, and why are you looking at it like it just saved your life?" Mr. Marvelous asks, distracting me from my latte induced daydream about a life where lattes can be consumed daily.

"It's a latte. It's awesome, and it did just save my life. Without it, I would be dead asleep. You should get one. And since you're getting up, can you get me and Glimmer over there another one too?" I ask.

"No, you're already had too many. Besides, 'latte' even sounds girly. I'm not drinking that," he declares.

"Live a little, Mr. Marvelous. Lattes are part of living!" I exclaim.

"Shut up and let me sleep," I hear him say as he puts his head down.

"Fine," I say, trying to find something to entertain myself with.

"I think I'm going to tribute-watch. It's like people-watching, but with tributes. First, I look around to see who's here. It's District 1, me, District 3, Fish Girl, District 5, and Rue. That means...hardly anyone. Glimmer looks great in a sparkling top and the same black sweatpants as me. Mr. Marvelous looks marvelous (I'm going to keep both of them around. Sponsors will rain gifts on them because of their looks). District 3 looks pathetic. They're both bloodbath, I'm guessing. Fish Girl, who I'm starting not to like so much, is annoying me with her constant blabbing to Glimmer. The boy from District 5 seems bloodbath, but the girl looks clever. Maybe a possible ally. And Rue, I'm pretty sure she'll be dead within the first thirty seconds. Really, she probably will be.

"So anyway, he was like, hey, you're Phillipa, and I was like yeah, so- "Fish Girl needs to shut up.

"I punched you in the mouth because you're annoying me, and then you ran away crying to a huge stuffed fish?" I say. I don't know about you, but I rather like this ending.

Almost everyone is in now, and a lady named Atala introduces all of the stations. She lets us go, and I head over to something I like. Something I admire. Knives. I ignore the dude running the station, and I pick up a knife, a curved dagger with a cruel blade. I pick this one up and throw it at the dummy. It hits right in the forehead. I smile, and start throwing. I hear the Gamemakers whispering, and I know they must at least be considering me.

I imagine each knife is hitting someone I hate. Stab, there goes Gram and her evil little smirk. Stab, there goes Dindle, calling my name. Stab, there goes Katniss and her flames. Stab, there goes Thresh rejecting to be a Career. This make me feel much better, and I move onto another station.

I go over to sword fighting, and pick up a sword. I practice that for a little bit, then go over to maces. I learn about edible plants, attempt archery, and then it's time for lunch.

Glimmer, Mr. Marvelous, Cato, Fish Girl, Fish, and I all sit at a table in the middle of the room. They talk for a bit about what they did, and make fun of the other tributes. I just pick at my lunch, and daydream about all the knifes in the Training Room. I miss them like I miss lattes.

"So, I take it you like knifes" Fish Girl says to me.

"What's it to you?" I respond as I pick at my food some more.

"Just saying. What, are you upset that Glimmer likes me better? Well boo hoo," she mocks me.

"That's what you think?" I say, and I let out a high-pitched, merciless laugh.

"I don't think so, Fish Face." I give a little smile, and I walk into the training room, and throw some knifes. Stab, there goes Fish Face and Glimmer and Katniss and Thresh and Fishy. The only people that I honestly like right now Cato and Mr. Marvelous. Stab, there they all go, dead. Stab, stab, stab. I throw with vengeance and speed, a deadly combination. I hear people all around me, talking and chattering, but all that matters is the knives.

"So Clove, I heard that Glimmer and Cato are planning to kill you off. I'm helping them with this, of course. No one really even like you," Fish Face taunts from behind me. I ignore her, and send another knife flying at the dummy. I turn around, punch her in the mouth, and walk away. I hear gasps all around me, but I just smile and wave like on the chariot. Except now, all eyes are on me instead of Katniss. I hear people trying to follow me, but they don't mater right now. No one matters. Not even me.

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