Chapter 26- To Be Making New Friends

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"Good morning!" I hear Glimmer say excitedly at about 6 am.

"Shut up!" I beg of her as I put my head in my pillow. I might as well at least try to make it look like I got some sleep, after all.

"Never!" she shouts excitedly.

"Calm down," I plead.

"What are you all doing up at 6 am?" I hear someone ask. She turns on a lamp, and I see that it's the District Ten girl.

"It's only Glimmer that's awake enough to function at 6 am. I just want some sleep," I explain.

"So do I. I'm Grace Anne," she says.

"Clove. You want a latte?" I ask. "I'm going to get one."

"Isn't it a little bit early for lattes?" she asks.

"It's 6 am!" I argue.

"Oh right! Sorry, that was the hair in action," she says, twirling her blonde hair as evidence.

"Trust me, you're not nearly as blonde as some other people here," I say, looking at Glimmer. She's happily chatting around, turning on lights and waking people up.

"Oh yeah. She's the super blonde," she agrees. "I actually had my hair dyed brown, you know. For the Games..."

"You know, you're not bad," I say to her.

She laughs. "Well, I guess I could be worse!"

"Let's get some lattes," I say, pushing the covers off of me.

"Can't you just get two and bring me one here?" she asks.

"No. Get your lazy ass up!" What? I swear when I'm tired, sleep deprived, and anxious about Cato.

"Fine," she agrees reluctantly.

"Okay, I have no idea where I'm going..." I admit.

"That's alright. Just follow me."

So I follow her through the hall, and we finally find the kitchen.

"Latte," I demand of the small black table. A latte appears, and I drink it without thinking. Grace Anne grabs one too, but I finish mine before she's done with half of hers.

I hear footsteps, and Glimmer appears, with Fish Face right behind her.

"Hey, you all!" Grace Anne says to them.

"You all? What does that mean, 'Hello, I'm stupid'?" Fish Face scoffs. Grace Anne looks at her oddly, and then smirks.

"Shut up, bitch," Grace Anne growls to Fish Face, and then punches her in the jaw.

"Go, Grace Anne!" I say, giving her a high five.

"Go me," she agrees, holding up her latte like a trophy.

I see my opportunity quickly, and I move her wrist slightly. The latte falls out of the cup, and lands in her mouth. It was supposed to rain on her, but that was pretty cool. So it's all good, I guess. I guess....


It's been two days, and I miss Cato more than ever. I can't talk to him at all. All I can do is watch as he tries to hunt down Thresh in that huge field. He manages to find some food in the huge mountain of grain. He follows some tracks, but Thresh obviously knows what he's doing, throwing Cato off of his track easily. I just watch, like I've been doing lately.

I watch Cato try for revenge. I watch Thresh stop him easily. I watched Glimmer play Cato and Marvel. I watched Cato fall for Glimmer. I watched it all, and didn't do a thing to stop it.

I'm even watching now. I'm curled up on the dark blue couch, watching Cato on TV. I see Thresh, a little bit to Cato's left. I almost shout at him to go left, but I don't need to. It's like he can hear my silent plea of Left, left, left. He throws his spear, and it catches Thresh in the stomach.

He pulls it out, and lunges at Cato, holding Cato's spear. Cato dodges with ease, slicing him in the arm with a knife from the collection that was in my jacket. It doesn't cut deep enough.

"You killed her!" he yells at Thresh.

"Well, she killed Rue," Thresh retorts.

"That was District One, you freaking idiot!"

Thresh punches Cato in the face, and Cato punches him back. Now they're in an all-out fist fight over I-Don't-Know-What.

"You killed Clove, and now I'm going to kill you," Cato hisses.

"Why do you care?" he asks.

"I love her, and now she's dead! And it's your fault, asshole." Cato stabs Thresh in the neck.

He's just stabbing him with my knife, the one I was going to use to kill Katniss. Finally, finally, there's a cannon. I resist the urge to cheer, because Rue's sitting right next to me. Plus, no one was cheering when I died, so I'll just be quiet.

Thresh arrives, walking through the door. I turn around, and he looks beat up. Like he just got his butt kicked in a fight. Which he did.

"Hello," Marvel says to him. I guess him and Glimmer are the official welcoming committee.

"You kill the little girl," Thresh growls.

"I'm not that little," Rue deadpans.

"You're 4'11. You can't deny it, that's tiny," I say, turning towards her.

"Yeah, but I'm not little."

"Yeah, you're strong enough to argue with me. So I'll let you win."

"Yay me. Oh, hi Thresh!" Rue says, as if she just noticed my killer.

"Hi," he mutters.

"Hey, murderer," I say to him.

"You kill too!" he argues.

"Yeah, I killed people who really didn't have much of a chance. No offense to you guys, but I really couldn't see any of you as victors," I say, addressing the people I killed. They nod, the universal signal for Yeah, you're right, Clove

"Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah, I had a chance. One hell of a good chance. I was kicking your pathetic ass, admit it. And I killed all these people either in the Bloodbath or when I came across them. You didn't have to kill me. And now Cato's somewhat insane, and I won't be with him ever again, because he's going to win. So thanks a hell of a lot!" I hiss, leaving the room. Yes, there are a lot of better ways I could have confronted him. But I might as well tell the truth.

Because, know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

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