Chapter 21- To Be Loved Back

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He takes my breath away. It's a simple kiss, warm and tender and curious. I close my eyes, and I feel like I'm about to explode with joy. I love him, and I think he feels the same.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," he says to me.

"How long?" I ask.

"I'm not telling!"

"Sadistic," I respond, giving him another kiss.

He pulls away from me, and smiles. "I'm still not telling."

"And here I was, hoping that it would work," I say. That's a lie. I just like to kiss him. And talk to him. And be with him. And I'm a fool, because love eventually falls apart. But I'm going to cling to this with everything I have.

"Is that the only reason you kissed me?" He says, sounding disappointed.

"No. I've been wanting you to kiss me for a while. And I.........." I take a breath. I'm going to do this. I have to do this.

"I love you," we both say. I blush a bright red color, and attempt to hide my face with my hair. It probably isn't working.

"Well, that was awkward," Cato says. I can't help myself. I start to laugh, because it's true. And, okay, maybe laughing distracts me from the fact I'm still bright red, and probably look like a tomato.

"It was," I agree. My voice sounds a little bit high pitched, but nothing I can do there.

He kisses me on the cheek. "You're cute when you're embarrassed." This, of course, only makes me blush even more.

"I probably look like a tomato," I mutter.

"Kind of..." he admits.

I look up, hoping that I look less like a tomato. It's pitch dark, and I reach for the night vision goggles, only to fall into the lake.

I freak out, but then I swim up. I have to. I don't feel like dying after finally getting that off of my chest. He sees my head, and helps me out of the lake.

"I though the goggles were there," I admit, wringing out my hair.

"They're over here!" he tells me, pointing to the pack next to him.

"Oh. Sorry about that," I say, grabbing the goggles from inside of the pack.

"It's okay. I was about to go in there and save you, but then I saw your head," he tells me.

"I wish we had those human-dryer things like in the Capitol. Then I wouldn't be so wet," I admit. A human dryer would be really helpful. And then the sky opens up and yeah, now it's raining.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I yell at the sky.

"I don't think it is..." Cato tells me.

"Yeah, neither do I," I say.

"Then why did you say it?"

"I don't know. I just said something. And its kind of ironic, think about it." It's a downpour now.

"I can hardly see anything, even with these goggles. And nothing's going to be out now," Cato reasons. I nod, because he's right.

"Crap, where's shelter when you need it? Katniss blew up the tent, and we have nothing!" I complain.

"Hey didn't we have some of those things, the water proof thing?" he asks me.

"I'm pretty sure it got blown up, but it can't hurt to look," I tell him as I open up a pack. Cato grabs an orange on from the ground, and we tear them apart.

"I don't think it's here..." I sigh. Then I see Cato pull something out of the last pack. There it is.

"Found it," he counters with a grin. I glare at him, and then I walk towards him. Yeah, there it is, the rain thing.

"Is there another one?" I ask him. He looks at the pack, and another one falls out. I grab it, and pull it over my head. It's kind of big, but it works. I pull up the hood on the rain jacket, and I put all the stuff back, and Cato does the same.

We walk along, trying to find shelter. After what feels like hours, we give up.

"Let's just go into the woods," I say, walking into the trees. Cato follows me, and we take cover under a rather large oak tree.

It doesn't help much, but it helps some. At least it isn't pouring directly over our heads.

"Let's stay here," I say.

"Yeah, we found a spot that isn't too bad, if I say so myself. And plus, there's the fact that you're here," he says to me.

"And then there's you," I say, moving closer to him.

"Yeah. We're pretty awesome." He puts his arm around me. I smile, and I snuggle closer to him. I'm cold, it's rainy, and its Cato. I am blameless. I'm sure anyone else would do the same thing.

"Of course we are," I say with a little hint of a smirk on my face.

We hear thunder, and I jump. I hear him chuckle, and I slap his arm playfully. I watch the rain, and I start to fall asleep.

"I love you," he says, kissing the top of my head.

"Love you too," I say, sounding a little tired to myself. I see a hint of the sun as I finally fall asleep.

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