Chapter 15- To Be Falling in Love

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It doesn't look like a mine, but looks can be deceiving. If you look very closely, you can see it. The wires are hidden well. But I watched him work on it, and I know where they are.

"Wow," I say. It's impressive. I'll give the twerp that.

"Thank you, Clover, for that insightful observation," Adrian says.

"Call me Clover one more time, and I will kill you in highly creative ways," I threaten him.

"But Cato calls you Clover," he protests.

"Just shut up and show me how to get food."

"Fine," he says. How shows the very elaborate way to walk without blowing yourself up. He demonstrates it a few more times, until I'm pretty sure I understand it.

"Do you think you can do that?" he asks us.

"I think so," I say, taking a step forward. I start where I know the quickest way to get food is. I take careful, light steps in all of the right spots. I jump over a few crates, but then I see a pile of them, taller than me. I'm not very short, and I can't jump very high, or at least not as high as these crates. It's like he wants to kill me. On the sides, I know are points that if I step on them, I will blow myself to pieces.

I can't climb well at all, but it's my only options, if I want to rpove that I can do it. I start to climb the boxes, being careful not to knock them down. I make it to the top, and I jump down, right into the pile of food. I land lightly, and I don't blow myself up to bits. I grab an apple, and I make my way back. I walk out, a confident smile on my face.

Adrian looks disappointed that I didn't die. Cato looks impressed. Marvel looks depressed. Still. I roll my eyes.

"So, is anyone else going to go, or are we just going to stand here?" I ask them.

"I'll go," Cato says confidently. He does it, but he knocks down the boxes I had to climb over.

"Maybe you shouldn't have those stacked up so high, Adrian," I mutter.

He glares at me, and I smirk. Marvel goes, and he almost blows himself sky high. It doesn't look like he cares. At least Cato's getting over himself, I think to myself.

"You almost blew yourself up, Mr. Marvelous!" I say to him.


I sigh, and repress the urge to slap him back to reality. He can't be depressed forever. Or can he? Who knows? I don't.

We all practice the mine-food-thing until I get so bored, I have to do something else.

"Okay, I think we have it down. Now let's actually do something useful," I suggest.

"What's your brilliant suggestion?" Adrian asks.

"Don't push it, twerp. And I say, tribute hunting."

"I agree with Clove!" Cato nods.

"Who'll guard the camp?" Adrian wonders.

"You. Let's roll, guys," I say. Cato and I leave, but Marvel doesn't move.

"Are you coming or not, Marvel?" I ask him.

"Leave him be, Clove," Cato tells me. I nod, and stop bothering Marvel. Not like I need to cart around a depressed eejit anyways.

We make our way far into the woods before Cato says something.

"Marvel's really depressed, isn't he?"

"Oh yeah. He'll probably commit suicide in despair," I agree.

"Really? Then what do we do with Adrian?" he asks.

"He's disposable. I never liked the twerp anyway," I admit.

"I think you handled him fine. Probably what I would have done," he says.


"No need to thank me for saying the truth."

"Okay," I say. We walk around in an awkward silence, only thinking of finding someone. Well, he's thinking of finding someone. I'm thinking of finding something to say.

"Well this isn't awkward at all!" I laugh.

He grins. "And that didn't make it even more awkward."

"Because I'm so talented at defusing awkward situations," I say.

He laughs again. This makes me smile. He never laughed at anything Glimmer said.

We hear footsteps, loud footsteps. It sounds like a limp. District Ten. Of course.

I pull out a knife, and give the boy my evilest smile.

"Hello," I say, drawing out the word.

He tries to run. Cato catches him, and pushes him to the ground. I lean down until I'm at about his level.

"Get ready to die," I whisper in his ear. He tries to get up, but I hold him down.

"Where to start, where to start..." I wonder aloud. I pick up my knife, cutting his forehead. He screams, and I smirk. I stab him in the stomach, and he doesn't scream. He just looks mad.

I stab him through the heart, and leave him there. I get up, and clean off my knife blade with my sleeve.

Cato is staring at me, like I'm a whole new person.

"What?" I say, a hint of a laugh in my voice.

"Damn. You killed him," he states.

"Yeah, what was I supposed to do?"

"You're good," he smiles.

I hear a cannon blast. "Dead. And I'm glad my skills amuse you," I say.

I see something making its way towards us out of the sky. A gift. It lands in my hand, and I open it.

"Lattes?" I exclaim.

"Thank you Lyme, for giving her lattes. Now she'll be really hyper." Cato rolls eyes.

"Shut up, Cato. Dammit, I've missed these things. Want the other one?" I ask him.

"I guess so," he shrugs, taking one. I grab the other one.

"Cheers!" I say, taking a long drink out of mine. He drinks a bit of his.

"You know, these aren't half bad," he says.

"Told you so," I say smugly.

"I should have believed you earlier," he says.

"You should know I'm always right. Sometimes," I say.

He chuckles. "You never fail to make me laugh, Clove," he says.

"Once again, I'm glad my skills amuse you."

We walk along, drinking lattes. I finish mine quickly, and he eventually finishes his. We make it back to camp in good spirits. I always feel great around him, and I think I might be falling in love.

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