.:When They Do Your Hair:.PART II

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💯💯👍🏾 our little Gary Stu

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💯💯👍🏾 our little Gary Stu


I would dye my hair that colour someday X3

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I would dye my hair that colour someday X3



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Lol jk

This is why I conceal knives and scissors in my house XD

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This is why I conceal knives and scissors in my house XD


Sheesh talking about smart 😁 when he did this to your sibling's hair he tried to get away with an excuse saying "This is my recent art!""But sister Y/N he-"He gave your sibling a death glare which your sibling gulped

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Sheesh talking about smart 😁 when he did this to your sibling's hair he tried to get away with an excuse saying
"This is my recent art!"
"But sister Y/N he-"
He gave your sibling a death glare which your sibling gulped.


He just showers your hair with insect blood and put grape colouring at the ends XD

Of course, it was just my assumption..

Of course, it was just my assumption

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