.:When You Develop Feelings For Him:.PART II

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You will start to become clumsy whenever he is with you, especially when you tried to impress him with the power of yours.

For example, when you tried to fried an egg and the moment when you tried to put it on a plate it just suddenly jumps out like shit. The last thing you knew is that Chrollo will definitely feel disgusted but what you hear was a small laugh. 

You turned your back and saw Chrollo genuinely smiling with his eyes closed, but when he opened his eyes his smile vanished like Nen..

You giggled, seeing him with such emotions is such a blessing, he looked at the shitted fried egg you tried so hard to do to top it off with your homemade instant noodles. While remaining a poker face he carefully took the noodles and slurped it, and his reaction was priceless.


You would:

+start to impress him

+instead of calling him shortie you called him Fei, 

+which he blushes to it

+you make a face expression that is similar to him

+which he blushes more and have a nosebleed

+plus all of the Phantom Troupe members will have the Lennie Face on.

+with Pakunoda secretly brings her camera and a book of ships

+que the blush DESU DESU!!

No matter how much you tried to impress the ravenhaired boy, you will always ended up your face planted on the floor.

But he will always shrugged off as if nothing happen and gave you a hand.


You would:

+cover your eyebrowss with makeup to tease him, and approximately in the noon you will soon feel guilty

+and after that, make an anonymous note that says 'I am sorry -Y/N-' 

+which made him imagine the innocent face you will be wearing when he drinks our p- I mean,  drinks the costa drink you will pay later ('-')


You would:

+have a little rant after you lose against him in gungi

+blush when he chuckles at your ranting self

+your cooking has improved about 50%

+you felt something wet at your pantsu when he stares at you

+he encourages you to be a maid~

+which, you did ;)

+at some point you will often see him shirtless 

+which made you had a nosebleed

+and Shaiapouf squealing like a fangirl when he realises that his OTP has come true

+que the wedding bugs

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