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                                                                                    Amelia's POV

 I watched as Melissa and DanTDM were racing against each other, and they looked like they were having a lot of fun! I grabbed my jacket and I said to DanTDM "I'm gonna go for a walk." DanTDM asked "After lunch?" I shook my head and said "Now!" Melissa asked "Ooh!!! Can I come with you? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?" I shook my head again and said "Nope! Besides I think you and DanTDM are gonna take awhile to make lunch! Melissa smiled awkwardly and hid the mess she made while making her lunch. So I went outside for a quick little walk, just around the block. It was really nice out and it was really warm out too! As I walked, I saw a taxi. It was at that moment when I remembered where my cousin lived! She lived in the UK, just far from where me and Melissa live now. Then I yelled "TAXI!!!!!!" The taxi parked at the sidewalk and the driver rolled down the window and asked me "Where do you wanna go?" Then I said "To the hospital!" I quickly looked behind me to make sure DanTDM or Jemma or Melissa wasn't behind me. Luckily they weren't, so I hopped into the Taxi and we headed to the Hospital.

                                                                            Jemma's POV

 While DanTDM and Melissa made lunch, I watched out the window to see if Amelia was home yet. She seemed to be taking awhile, considering the fact that lunch was almost ready, and Amelia looked tired. Then DanTDM called me to the kitchen, and Melissa yelled it's lunch time! I yelled "Ok!" I walked to the kitchen to see a huge sandwich (that Melissa made) and a normal sized sandwich (that DanTDM made) and I also saw two more sandwiches on the table, one for me, and one for Amelia. Then I said "Where's Amelia?" DanTDM shrugged and Melissa said "I don't know...."

                                                                            Melissa's POV

 I could tell Jemma was worried. I am too, but I know Amelia will come back! Then I got a vision. I saw Amelia on a Taxi heading to a hospital and I saw the Taxi spin out of control and crash into a tree! I panicked and said "WE NEED TO DRIVE TO THE HOSPITAL! But not actually to the hospital... just a tree that's  near the hospital!" DanTDM looked worried and said "Another vision?" I nodded and said "It was about Amelia! She crashed into a tree, on a taxi!"

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