Chapter 4 'Friends'

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I woke up the next morning and my hair was a serious mess. Luckily Niall wasn't around, because I hated it when he saw me like that. Thinking of Niall reminded me that I had to text him to tell him about the comments. But I wasn't going to tell him that it hurted me as much as it really did, I didn't want to bother him with that. One quick text and then it was time for breakfast. But when I turned my phone on, I spotted that I already had a message from Niall, why was he up so early?

Niall (10:58): Mooooorning :)

Charlotte (11:12): Goodmorning! Have you slept well?

Niall (11:14): I slept okay.... Harry called me in the middle of the night if I wanted to pick him up at a club, because he didn't have enough cash in his pocket to pay for a taxi. So yeah. I was back home at 4 AM I think. How did you sleep lovely?

Charlotte (11:17): Not so good actually... After we both tweeted about our week together my mentions were exploading with rude comments. I was a bit down in the afternoon. But now, everything is okay.

Niall (11:19): Are ya sure? cos if you aren't I take the first plane to the Netherlands with me suitcase and I'll come and take care of you. :)

Charlotte (11:20): No please don't! You have to work, and you know I still have George. He'll take care of me when I'm having a hard time !

Niall (11:24): If you want me to come over, or if you wanna come to me, just call me. I'll pick up the phone every moment of the day. you know that. But I have to go now, I'm going for breakfast with Harry somewhere.

Charlotte (11:25): I'll let you know! I hope to see you again soon. Enjoy your breakfast, say hi to Harold from me please cos it's been so long since I talked to him!!!

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. It was a saturdaymorning so I went for a long shower, a very long shower. After approximately 40 minutes somebody started to bang on the door.

'Charlotte, hurry please! I want to take a shower too and we. yeah. we have to be at Jason's house at 1 PM. It's 12:15 now so please hurry!!' George shouted from behind the door. Why was he in such a rush? We had 45 minutes left before we had to be at Jason's.. It's a 15 minutes drive with my car so that means 30 minutes left to get ready and eat some breakfast.

'Yeah yeah George. five minutes and I'll be ready. I promise!' I shouted back and as promised I turned of the shower five minutes later. I felt so cold immediately, it was still winter, so the entire house was cold as hell. I searched for my towel, where was that stupid thing? Oh oh. It was still on my bed... I had to ask George to get it for me, this was a bit awkward.

'Geeoooooooooooorge? Are you still there?'

no response.

'George? Don't play games with me.. I really need my towel. c'mon respond please..' I almost begged. When there came no response again I decided to open the door and take a quick look to see if really nobody was there. And if really nobody was there then I would quickly enter my room, get my towel and run back to the bathroom to get dressed.

So as planned I opened the door a little bit. I saw nobody in my room, so I opened the entire door and ran towards my bed to gget my towel. I put my towel on, turned around and bumped into somebody's body. Who was that? O my god! It was George, he was only wearing his boxers. It wasn't the first time I saw him in boxers, but the most awkward thing was that I was standing there. naked. with only a towel covering my body. What. No. I. No words actually.

'GEORGE!' I freaked out a bit.

'Lottie. uhm, well this is awkward. I swear I didn't see a thing. I'm just in this room for two seconds. Just continue your walk. please. Nothing has happened.' George said a bit shocky. He stood there with his eyes wide open, fixated at mines. I quickly ran to the bathroom and put on my clothes as soon as possible. Today's outfit was a burgundy sweatshirt, a tight denim jeans, some coloured socks and my white vans. I didn't feel the urge to really look good. It was a saturday, and I was just going to chill with my friends. No need to look good. I opened the bathroom door and sat on the bed.

'Your turn.' I said curtly. I was still in a bit of a shock, what if he spotted more?

No. Don't think that Charlotte, he just told you that he hasn't seen a thing. Believe him.

'Okay, give me 10 minutes then we'll go to Jason. We're a bit late already.. But that's fine, I guess.' George said and he went to the bathroom. I packed my bag with some stuff that I could use today; wallet, phone charger, and my burgundy beanie. I also took my phone, one new message. It was from Hannah. She was on internship in London for two months now, just 3 months to go until she comes back. I miss her so much. She's my second best friend, and I couldn't wish for two better friends than George and Hannah. Unfortunately they couldn't get along so well with eachother, they kind of really hated eachother. In the beginning I really hoped that they would see the positive sides of eachother, but after two years I decided that that probably never would happen. So I just adjusted myself to them and met up with them seperately. I quickly read her message:

Hiiii Lottie, just a quick message from the oh-so-beautiful-London. It's so cold over here! I can't wait until I see you again!! All the people are really nice here and I have made lots of friends, but still.. I really miss everybody over there. But enough about me, WHAT DID I MISS? I just went on twitter and saw like tons of tweets with your name in it, and Niall's!! Have you finally got togheter? I can skype tonight if you want (around 8pm I think) so you can tell me everything :) love youu . x Hannah.

She was one crazy girl, and I felt a bit guilty that I didn't call her to tell her about Niall. What kind of friend was I? I heard George turn off the shower so I responded with a quick message to let her know I read her message.

Hi Hannaaah!! Only 3 months to go until you come back :) I'm counting the days. I feel so guilty I didn't call you right after I dropped Niall off at the airport... I'm such a bad friend. skype at eight tonight is a date :) can't wait! xx Charlotte

I locked my phone and put it in my pocket. Suddenly I got hungry, so I went downstairs and opened the fridge. I discovered that there was absolutely nothing in the fridge... No breakfast for me then. I heard George coming down and he looked really good. He was wearing his blue Nike Janoskis, a blue jeans, a plain white t-shirt with a red checked blouse. He was also wearing his blue beanie. His brown curls covered his right eye a bit, so he quickly removed them so he could see clearly again.

'Ready to go Lottie?' George looked at me.

'Yes, I'll take the car keys and then we can go. oh can you get my longboard from my room? I completely forgot it. And if you want you can use my penny board today?'

'Okay. One minute!' And George was already gone to my room.

my phone buzzed: Niall

Niall (12:49): Hi Charlottie! Haven't spoken to you in a while :) I wanted to say Hi back personally. so: HI! we have to catch up soon, sooo when are ya coming back again? x H.

Charlotte (12:50): Helloo Harry. I really don't know when I'm coming back, I really want to but yeah. my parents are so protective atm.. I'm going to discuss with my mum and dad if I can go to the UK next weekend. You'll hear from me, I promise. xx Charlotte

I walked over to the car, and I felt so happy. I had a huge smile on my face, and George noticed it immediately when he entered the car. He didn't say a thing, he only smiled at me. I knew he knew that I got a message from the UK.


We had so much fun with Jason and some of our other friends. First, we lunched big time. Well.. me, George and a girl named Sarah brunched because we all didn't have breakfast. Then we decided to go for a quick ride on our longboards, really quick because it was freezing outside. After 20 minutes my fingers were frozen so we decided to head back to Jason's house, drink some hot chocolate and watch a movie. I had so much fun and I realised that I missed hanging out so much. I missed my friends. Everything became more difficult after I met Niall. I mean, I had to make time for school, homework, sports, Hannah, George, all my other friends and of course Niall. It's hard, it's tiresome sometimes. But that day, hanging with all my friends, made me realise that I let my friends down. I couldn't come up with one reason why they didn't get rid off me when they had the oppurtunity.

After spending all afternoon at Jason's house, I dropped George off at his house, and after saying goodbye I drove back to mine. I looked at my dashboard clock: 7:54 PM. I turned on my laptop and opened Skype, Hannah was already online and I just couldn't wait to see her face again and tell her everything!

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