Chapter 6 'I wanna dance'

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I arrived in London at 19:08 and the sun was already down. It was really busy at the airport and I wondered if I would find Niall.. So many people, where do they all come from? I searched for my luggage at the luggage belt, but I couldn't find my suitcase. I put a bright red sticker on the top of my black suitcase so I could find him really easy. Ironic, I tried something out so I could find my suitcase fast, and now I just couldn't find it. I walked towards some airport lady and asked if she'd seen someone taking a black suitcase with a red sticker with him. No she didn't she told me. I had to go to security and they would watch the video of the security camera. Great way to start my weekend off.. I said thank you and walked away. My evening was ruined, I didn't want to go out for dinner anymore with Niall. Luckily I didn't put all my luggage in my suitcase, I had some carry-on luggage and my green penny board with me now . I decided to say hello to Niall first, and then go to security. I stepped on my penny and cruised in the direction of the folding doors.

I went trough the folding doors and immediately saw two boys holding a sign with my name on it. One of them was holding a bunch of roses, and the other one three balloons. They were smiling and waving. And suddenly all my anger from a minute ago was gone. I cruised over to them and hugged them both. They almost choked, so in a reflex I let go of them. They started to laugh, they fooled me. I tried to look angry. Mission failed.

'Is that your angry face? Biggest dissapointment in my life!' Niall said and he kissed my cheek. 'Welcome back gorgeous, I've missed you' He said and I smiled. I was so happy my parents allowed me to go, I never expected that to happen.

'I.. I just.. Looking angry is just.. I don't really know what I want to say. argh whatever. I'm just so happy I'm here. only for the weekend though, but I'm here!' I said excited and turned to Harry. 'Didn't expect you here. Bit disrespectful curly, just ignore my texts.' I stuck my tongue out. He winked. If I wasn't so into Niall, I would definitely fall for Harry. He deserved a really sweet girl and I hoped he would find one soon. He's such a funny lad, and I couldn't wait to go out with him tonight and get drunk.

'Shall we go to the car? I ordered a table for three at some fancy restaurant in town.' Niall said and he took my hand.

'Wait! We first have to go to security, my luggage is gone. Somebody has my suitcase so we have to go to security and report it.' I walked away and pulled both of them with me. Where could I find security?

'Hey grumpy, do you even know where you have to go?' Niall said after we wandered around for almost ten minutes. I turned around 'Of course not. When have I been here? The answer: once. and that one time my luggage was, as ussual, on the luggage belt. O my god, where's Harry?' I stopped walking, where was Harry? Did he leave us right away or was he just lost in the crowd? I looked around, but didn't spot one curly mess in the mass of people. We'd lost him.. 'Call him Niall, we've managed it to lost him.' I was a bit stressed now, you never know what kind of persons are walking here.

'Relax C. He'll be okay. I'll just text him that we are at security. And then we meet up there, because we can't find him now with all this people. He's probably talking to a handsome girl, he'll be okay. Don't worry.' Niall said and he pulled me with him, to the other side of the airport. I was so stupid, because then I spotted a really big sign saying 'Security', I missed that one big time. I felt really stupid. At security I reported my stolen suitcase and I had to fill in a form. The next moment we were standing outside. What did just happen? They just wished me a nice day. Okay. Really nice. I had no clothes, no other shoes, no nothing. Well, I had a pennyboard, my phone and charger and my ipod and charger. Oh and a wallet. Yes, great start of my weekend.. My favorite pair of jeans was in my suitcase, so I really hoped the airport people would find him.

We walked over to the car and I expected a big giant modern fancy black car. but no.

'Who's car is this?' I asked curiously. It was a really old car, a red one. with a roof you can open which we didn't because yeah winter. It was a beautiful car, I loved it right away.

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