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I'll slip away into the sound

I woke up in the treehouse cuddling Josh. He was such a cute sleeper, I felt his stomach rise and fall.

I moved to get up but that caused him to stir. He sleepily cracked his eyes open and looked around not remembering where he was.

"Hey Joshy. Good morning." I said and leaving the comfort of his side I kissed him passionately.

As I pulled away I heard him whisper, "Hey Ty."

I got up after a few more minutes of cuddling. "Josh can I please sing you a song I wrote?"

"Of course, Ty." He said sitting up.

We sat criss cross as I sang to him.

It just hit me as I lay my head down

No one around in the dark night I hear a sound.

I finished it perfect. Josh was speechless.

"Ty that was amazing!" He leaned in and hugged me.

"Thanks I just kind of slipped away into the sound." I said blushing.

"What's it called?" He asked intrigued.

"Taken By Sleep." I replied.

We both smiled.

Goner// Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now