Chapter 5

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That night I didn't sleep, I couldn't, not without finding the answers to why my dreams were coming true. Why he knew so much more than he told me. I decided to pack a bag and go to the one family I pray would tell me the truth.

Driving to New York alone was scary but it wasn't the drive, or being alone, that scared me. It was the fact that after all this time, after everything, I haven't said a word to his family and now I'm asking for help.

It took roughly thirty nine hours to get back to the city I grew up in, the city I found love in, the city that destroyed me. I shook the memories away and climbed out of my car, knowing looks passed on a couple of faces as I passed. Pulling my hoodie over my head I made my way through the maze of people and to a small but cozy house.

I heaved my bag on my shoulder and pushed the nerves away that flooded my body as I pushed the door bell. After a few seconds I moved to turn away only to have the door open. "Hello, may I help you?" The women asked and I had no choice but to turn around.

When she saw my face, her hands covered her mouth before pulling me into a hug. "Oh Carly my dear, it's been so long." I laughed and hugged her back as she ushered me inside. The house looked the exact same it had over a year ago however some of the warmth had disappeared and will never return.

I sat in the dinning room and stared at the picture of me, Dean and our friends after a football game we all went to. I smiled and picked it up from the spot, gently touching Dean's face.

"That was one of his favourite nights out," his mum said as she sat a tray down of biscuits and drinks. "He always spoke of you and how you went for the opposition just to annoy him. You were his joy." She smiled sadly and stared at the picture as I sat it back in its spot.

"Where's John?" I asked and she sighed.

"He's at work, has been doing a lot of that lately." She sat down and I knew there was no better time to ask. Taking off my bag I unzipped it and pulled out the very sharp, very strong but yet fragile black leaf. Dean's mum, Celeste, gasp and tears formed in her eyes as she took it from me. "Oh, Oh my dear boy you've come home."

"Celeste, I've been having these dreams, dreams of these ninjas dressed in black and they have fireflies as their eyes. Or at least I thought they were until the other night I was attack by them, well not attack but they surrounded me and one reached out for me until a pure bright white of fire flared from me." I told her everything from Kira to Scott and Isaac.

She remain calm as she stroked the leaf and held it tightly. "Dean told me stories of people who's dreams came true and I was wondering if you could tell me something or if I'm just insane."

She smiled, "your not insane Carly. Have you ever heard of a Kitsune?" She asked and I nodded.

"Not as a story, but Dean alway called me his Sukoshi kitsune." I said and she nodded her head.

"You and Dean meeting was never an accident. Kitsune are always drawn to their potential partners but to their soul mates, especially those with the same power, are very rare and very special." Slowly things became a little clearer. "From the moment you two laid eyes on each other that day I saw it, the love and sparks in each if your eyes. It was even more funny when you put your ice cream on his face."

We both laughed, talking with Celeste about Dean makes the pain I feel everyday seem like a bad memory.

"The White fire you produced is called foxfire, when a kitsune rubs it's tails together it can produce either lighting or fire, in your case it's fire." Kira at the power station produced lighting, she's a kitsune as well. "That defensive feeling you feel around those boys, Scott and Isaac, is because foxes and wolves don't tend to get along. You've been around foxes your whole life, you've never experienced wolves."

"You mean werewolves?" I asked confused and she nodded her head a serious expression on her face. "I don't know if I can believe this Celeste."

"He was going to tell you everything," she said quietly, so quietly I almost missed it. "That night he was going to tell you everything, I told him to follow his heart and he listened, the one time that boy listened to me." She cried and I went to her side hugging her. "He gave you his first tail as a gift, a treasure to keep going and move on. Even if he was a little old for you."

Pulling back surprised I stared at the women. "How old was he?"

"216 years old barely out of his teens." She cracked a smile at my expression. "Kitsune can live for a long time Carly, you'll find you hardly get sick anymore, you will stop ageing. It's like a gift."

"It'll be a curse." Now it was her turn for the surprised expression. "Every morning gets harder, and harder to get out of bed. I feel so broken and angry, so sad, my parents hardly talk to me. I'm invisible to everyone and my twin sister doesn't even notice how easy it is to lie to her. And now with the dreams, I feel like I want to stab myself." I confess and felt a weight lift off my chest.

"Don't say that ever. What your feeling you shouldn't have to feel for a long time. It's very rare for Kitsune to find their soulmates and at your age even rarer. Is your twin, Kira, is she a kitsune?" I thought about it and there was no mistaking the foxfire at the power plant. Nodding my head she smiled. "Normally a Kitsune who bares twins, only one is a full blooded, the other not so much however this could explain a lot. Your the youngest there for should be human, but your special. Dean told me about the blood promise you two made, however what he didn't know what that the tree you bleed on, it's a very powerful and old tree call the Nemeton. And you being a forest Kitsune you are connected to it through power and blood."

"A forest Kitsune?" I asked dumb founded.

"You are a natural healer and love the wilderness. You know healing plants and poisons and connected with Dean on a deeper level, he was a forest element to. As for your dreams with your connection to the Nematon you can link to it, see it's possible future."

"What about the ninjas?" I asked.

"They are Oni, they are demons summoned by someone and they are unstoppable. No man made weapon can destroy them, they are a force of nature do not fight them. You endure it and hope you are not destroyed in its path. If they are in Beacon hills them someone must've already endured it's force. The Oni would've branded him, behind the ear almost like a backwards five, it's a Japanese symbol for self, it means you are still yourself. The Oni are only looking for one who is no longer himself, possessed. There are thirteen types of Kitsune, all with different powers and abilities, different weaknesses. I'm a Celestial, Johns Ocean, your mothers a kitsune however I do not know her power. Your father's human, however there is one Kitsune, a dark spirit, some called it Void, while its real name is Nogitsune. Nogitsune draw it's power from pain and tragedy, strife and chaos, if there is a Nogitsune among you let the Oni destroy it, even if it's your own sister."


I drove back to Beacon hills that night and thought about everything my whole life before I met Dean was a lie. My whole life with Dean, know matter how small, that was the truth that was my one chance of an honest relationship. Tears streamed down my face and I gripped the steering wheel, my head in pain while my heart was in agony.

I arrived back in town a day later and at night, ignoring the calls from mum, dad and Kira all trip, I went straight to the Nemeton and waited for the Oni. They came as soon as the sun set, I sensed them before I heard them. Getting up from where I sat on the stump I faced them.

Walking forward I nodded when I stood in front of the leader, "when your ready." He gripped the side of my head and I fell to my knees in shock of the intensity, the power in his yellow eyes. I felt like he was reading my story, the story of my soul, he knew my every secret.

Then it was all over I felt empty, and a stinging from being branded behind my ear grew. Pain, triggers the healing Celeste said before I left, it keeps you human but also heals you.

I clawed my palms and felt the skin break and a sensation take over my body, no word could describe it but suddenly I was able to move. I reached out for the Nemeton, to help me up, and as I touched it I saw three fireflies, so beautiful and innocent, turn to shadows. I gasped and sat up, the shock hitting me. They found the Nogitsune, and it killed three of them.

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