Chapter 7

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Later on that day Chres and Craig head to Diggy place after school having the guards let them in. There is a man getting drag out and a dead body on the floor with blood on the wall. They walk inside Diggy office while he smiles pulling a small box out placing it on the table.

"Boys...You know what happens to people who mess with me?" Diggy says looking at them.

"N-No sir," Chres says. 

"You see that body when you first walk in?" Diggy says while smiling still. 

"Y-Yes sir," They both say. 

"He was my best seller till I found out he been using my drugs for his own benefits. So I shot him in the head myself." Diggy says while taking a rag out. 

Craig and Chres both look at each in fear while Diggy opens the box taking a 9mm Glock out.

"Since I knew you guys for a long time and trust you too I'm let you off with a warning. Fight me again and I will put you six feet under got it?" He says cleaning the gun with the rag.

"Yes sir," They both say fast.

"Good now go except for Craig," He says shooing Chres out. 

Chres gets up looking at Craig then Diggy as he leaves waiting in the car for him.

"Yes, sir?" Craig said watching the gun. 

"Your ex-girlfriend was messing around and forcing my girlfriend to do some stuff you better keep her on a leash," Diggy says putting the gun down. 

"Look Diggy Reginae told me what Bahja did to her," Craig said while he balls his fist under the table.

 I don't believe this stuff Craig you kinda making me mad right now calling my baby girl a liar

"Well, she is Reginae told me everything. She said Bahja never told her about you that she forced Reginae to sleep with her. Reginae didn't find out about you till she found out Bahja been sneaking out going to your place and stuff. That when she threatened Reginae and the whole fight was just Bahja revenge for Reginae leaving. Think your girlfriend hasn't been around a lot sneaking out and texting." Craig said looking Diggy deep in the eye.

Diggy stands up pointing the gun at Craig putting his finger on the trigger breathing hard.


Craig stands up walking out to the car getting in while Chres look at him.

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