Part 3

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Erza's POV

I was at math class talking to Juvia because Gildarts was sleeping.

"oh yeah so I heard you're going to meet Jello right? *smirks *"-Juvia

"Jellal"- I corrected

"*shrugs* whatever "-Juvia

" Yeah so? "-Me

" so?! Are you kidding?? He asked you out and you said yes! "-Juvia

" it isn't a date Juvia, it's just a catch up"-Me

"Yeah right *sarcasm *"-Juvia

"Juvia *looks at her sternly *"-Juvia

"-_-* your death glare won't work on me"-Juvia

*sigh* she's right meh.

-Meanwhile the conversation of the boys -

"I heard you have a date tonight? "-Gray

" date? Wait. How do you know? "-Jellal

" oh just happened to walk by"-Gray

"yeah right -_-*"-Jellal

"anyway. Sooo you just went to her like a friend huh? So that's your plan? "-Gray

" so?"-Jellal

"that's bullshit "-Gray

" you're bullshit! "-Jellal

" you're one to talk -_-"-Gray

"have fun~ *wink*"-Gray

"what a perv"-Jellal

-Back to the girls-

Anyway. The classes endet and I was on my way to the sakura park.

"GOOD LUUUUCK!!!!!! "I heard Juvia shout with a thumps up.

Perv. I just showed her the middle finger.

She laughed and waved.

Now I was at the sakura park and saw Jellal on a bench.

I walked up to him....

Juvia's POV

I waved at Erza and headed to the sakura park. I was gonna stalk them 😈. I run to a bush and hide there. Suddenly I heard noises and saw someone else entering my hideout.

"you?!?!?! "-we both whisper yelled

" what are YOU doing here?! "-Gray

" stalking my ship isn't it obvious? "-I just ignored him and looked at Jerza. Erza just sat down.

He shut up too. And we both watched.


Ah so you came, Erza-Jellal

What's that kind of answer just kiss him!! - Juvia
IKR - Gray
Yes! Now shut up-Juvia

So.. How have ya been? - Jellal

Coward -_- - Gray and Juvia

Good. What do you really want to *sternly*-Erza

Uhhh drama!!-Gray
Shut up and watch! - Juvia
Geez - Gray
I want popcorn this is the best movie and we don't have snacks! - Juvia
*looks at her weirdly * oh wait! *gets a bag with popcorn and crisps* I came prepared - Gray
Nicee *eats some popcorn quietly *-Juvia

"I bet!" (gruvia/jerza)(side ship: stingue)Where stories live. Discover now