Part 2

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Thx @White-Wolf02 for the idea and support ^^💞

Jellal's POV

My plan was to play the friend and then boom! She's gonna be mine!
It's a lil weird because I know Erza from the past but... She never was like that before... She was caring and nice...
That's it!! I'll just ask her to meet me to catch up!
Anyways I went to the bathroom and got ready. Brushed my teeth and bla bla bla you don't care anyway.

As I walked to school I saw Erza and Juvia WITH TWO BOYS?! WHAT THE HECK.

Rogue... And... Sting...?

Juvia and Erza were smiling at them.

Wow it's the first time I see them smile like that... They seem like.. Different persons...
I decided to hide behind a tree and listen yo their conversation.

"What's your first period? "-Sting

" biology "-Erza/Juvia

" aww we won't be together *fake tears while having an arm around Juvia"-Rogue

"Geez Rogue... "-Juvia

" oh I heard some creep tried to make Juvia fall for him yahahaha what an idiot"-Sting

"hmm... "-Rogue

" Rogue got jealyyyy~"-Sting

"what?! N-noo!! It's just I don't get this dude, what's his problem anyway? Isn't he Gray Fullbuster? He has any girl he wants what does he want with Juvia? "-Rogue

" good point"-Erza

"this other guy was looking at Erza all the time! What's his name again? Jello? Jelly? "-Juvia


" Jellal? "-Erza

I didn't listen longer because I went to the class.

" oh!! That's him! "-Sting

" oi!!! Tattoo face! "-Juvia

" what? "-Me

" what's your name"-Juvia

"you don't know me? "-Jellal

" don't play the smart geez, you're popular we got it bitch"-Juvia

"*rolls eyes* Jellal. Jellal Fernandez"-Me

Erza was silent the whole time.

Juvia packed the two boy's arms and run towards the class giving Erza a wink. Erza mouthed a shut up. Weird...

"You're Erza right? "-me

" yeah"-Erza

"is your... Lastname by any chance... Scarlet? "-me

" we're in the same class, you hear my last name everyday "-Erza

" r-right, do you wanna meet?catch up a lil? "-me

" *shrugs* meh, sure why not"-Erza

"ok then meet me at the sakura park today after school "-Me

" sure, whatever "-Erza

Juvia's POV

they're going to meet *-*. Actually I dragged Rogue and Sting with me behind the tree so we could listen to them. Jerza is my OTP!! Erza secretly likes Jellal but well her character is totally taught to admit it.

" why did she agree??! "-Sting

" they're just gonna catch up "-me

" NOW WHO'S JELLY?! "-Rogue

" Rogue calm your shit (A/N this sentence doesn't really exist but I say it all the time XD) "-me

" Cold as ever huh? "-Rogue

" *smirk * but you still love me isn't that right? *graps his cheek like an grandma*"-me

"wuvia wop it ( Juvia stop it) "-Rogue

" Gihii sorry "-Me

" you have to stop talking to Gajeel so much"-Sting

"He's my brother *sweatdrop *"-me

"ah right"-Sting

*facepalm* dense idiot

Anyway, back to jerza... I have only one thing to say:


Aaaaaand that's it!! Hope you enjoyed this chap!! Next part is gonna be a lil longer 'cause I have the feeling thay the chaps are to short soooo yeah ^^💞 💞 💞 💞 💞 💞 💞 💞 💞 💞 💞 💞 💞

"I bet!" (gruvia/jerza)(side ship: stingue)Where stories live. Discover now