Part 4

803 38 62

Juvia's POV

I was in my classroom sitting next to Erza and waiting for Gildarts to come in.

We were talking about random stuff when...

"Hey girls! "-

Jello smiled with Gray beside him looking bored.

" Hey Jellal/Jello"-Erza /me

"ehm.. The name's Jellal"-he corrected

"whatever I already got used to it anyways "Me

They all sweatdroped.

" what? "-I askes bored

" Heyo Girls!!! "-Sting and Rogue

" Hellooo!! "-Erza

" yo"-me

Rogue came up to me and put one arm around me and kissed my cheek while Sting did the same to Erza.

"how are you punk? "-he teased

" You're one to talk "-me

He laughed but stopped when he saw Gray and Jello.

" what are you doing here? "-he deathglared Gray

" talking obviously "-Gray stared back

They growled and were having a staring contest. I ignored them but after 2 minutes I got creeped out and broke the awkward silence.

" ok how about you two fuckers go away *glances towards Gray and whispers to him* what, you thought you'd win over me that easy stripper? "-me

Gray seamed shocked but soon smirked and told Jello to come with him.

Gildarts came in anyways.

" Good morning class"-Gildarts

"Good morning mr Gildarts"-class

"ok so there will be a foto project. So you're gonna pair up to groups of two and must take a foto of a place with the right clothes"-Gildarts

"that makes no sense/why? /cool!! /nice idea tho don't understand the reason/right clothes?"-class


" geez calm down old man"-me

"watch your language miss Lockser"-Gildarts

"yeah, yeah"-me

"it's about pairings. We have the theme about the look/place pairing. So you have to dress like the background of your foto ok? "-Gildarts

" fine"-class

"BUT I'll choose the groups cause we don't want the wrong people to be in one group *glances at Juvia and Erza*"-Gildarts

"ok so:

And finally

"WHAT?!?! "-Erza/Gray/Jello/me

" you heard me. "-Gildarts

Urgh why Gray!!!! - me

Why him!!! - Erza

My chance!!!! - Jellal, Gray

Gray came up to me.

We talked about our background and outfits. We argued because I wanted rock and he graffiti so we decided to kinda mix it.

We got permission from the school to draw something on the school wall outside the building if it's something for fairy tail high. So we decided to write fairy tail and draw the emblem.

School ended and me and Gray were outside and started drawing on the wall.

I was at the F of Fairy tail when Gray said something stupid again.

"You don't seem to complain being with me in a group huh?"-Gray

He ran his hand through his hair trying to look fab.

"You can't look look fab so don't try"-me

I finished writing fairy tail and looked at Gray's drawing who was supposed to draw the emblem.

"omg Gray!! You were supposed to draw it big!! (A/N*slaps myself* HENTAI) "-Me

" It is big ok?!?! (A/N *slaps harder* STOP IT) "-Gray

" urgh! Well can't help it. Let's take the pic and get over it"-me

We left my phone on a bench nearby and left it at timer.


We ran to the wall but I stumbled.


I was about to fall


I wrapped my arms around something.


I looked up


To see I just hugged Gray


I was about to fall back again from schock


Something caught me as I felt something around my shoulder.


Gray again. I looked at him surprised


"look at the camera!!! "-Gray

We quickly looked at the camera.


I was still surprised but managed to look somewhat good. Gray on other had looked gorgeo- fine.

*the pic from above*

" We're NOT TAKING THAT PIC!! "-me

Aaaaand it started raining. Our graffiti drawing was now gone... And we didn't have any graffiti colors to make a new one. We had to give this picture....


" aw come on I know you want me *wink* maybe you're a secret fangirl of mine *smirk*"-Gray

"fangirl my ass"-me


"Gray, Juvia 100 for both!!! "-mrs Mira

Just because we hugged -_- what a crazy girl.

" uhh ok? "-Gray

" Erza, Jellal please show me yours "-mr Gildarts said while mrs Mira smiled

Aaaaand cliffhanger XD

"I bet!" (gruvia/jerza)(side ship: stingue)Where stories live. Discover now