(a late)Valentines special (xD)

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A/N hello my dear bubbles!! I couldn't find any insipration for this part I'm sowwwwyyyy but I tried ;p. I hope you still enjoy reading!

Gray's POV

It's Valentines day huh... I was thinking about giving Juvia a flower but I can only imagine her like:


Juvia *wink* that's for you -Gray

*takes flower and throws it behind* go give that fake and cheep thing to your fangirls *goes away*-Juvia


#daydream end#

;-;.... I can't let that happen!! Urghhh... I saw Rogue coming out of the class. Hmm he could help me...
I ran up to him.

"Yo! Rogue right?"-me

"What do you want Fullbuster?"-he said coldly

Geez talk about emotionless...

"I wantet to hang out you seem cool. So? How does that sound to ya?"-me

"Piss off"- he said and startef to walk away

"Oye! Wait!! I have a question actually!"-I yelled after him

He stopped and turned his head while sighing.

"What?"-he asked cold and clearly bored

Jellal's POV (booo evil author >~<)

It's that time of the year again... I saw a couple laughing and being all lovely dovey. I wonder if me and Erza can be like that sometime...


"*giggles* oh Jellal you're so funny" -Erza said as she hugged my arm.

"I love you"- she continued

#daydream end#

(The boys are being so girly daydreaming about thaat *chuckle*


nuuuuuuu how dare youuuuuuu. Anyways! Back to the story *pout*


😍. *inner slap to myself* snap out of it Jellal! This will never happen! Heck she thinks you love Juvia! By the way... I have to talk to her and clear things up. Maybe she can even help me...
I searched for the bluenette everywhere!! Where could she be?! 

"You b*tch aint got nothin netter to do than wear pants that show off your not existing ass!!"-I heard someone yell

There she is *sweatdrop*. I turned around and saw Juvia arguing with a blonde girl from phantom high.

I decided to go because it was really important to clear things out.
Big mistake....

I went there only to have the blonde girl fall ontop of me because Juvia pushed her saying that cheap trash belongs to the trash...

"Oh. Sup Jelly?"-she said as she noticed me

"Jellal"-I corrected

"Whatever"-she shrugged

"Anyway. I have something to tell you..."-I started and got her full attention

#Jellal tells her about him twlling Erza he loves her and blablabla#


~everyone looks at them~

"Shhhh!!!!"-I shut her up

&quot;I bet!&quot; (gruvia/jerza)(side ship: stingue)Where stories live. Discover now