part 9

172 7 7

#skip to the pool#

Authors POV

Erza, Juvia, Jellal and Gray sat on their towels on the ground. They wore the swimsuits they wore on the OVA.

"Wanna go swimming?"-Jellal said standing up.
"Yeah lets go. You two coming?"-Erza stood up too.

Juvia and Gray looked at each other. The shipers both said:

"Nah you two go ahead"

Erza eyed her best friend suspiciously but let it slide and went after Jellal.

"So..."-Gray started but got cut off by Juvia

"I swear if it's another pick up line.."-Juvia threatened sipping at a juice

Gray chuckled and answered:
"Nah. So you and Rogue..?"

Gray needs to know if he stands a chance peeps. Lol.

Juvia spitted out her drink and started laughing histerically. Gray just looked at her confused.

"Did I say something funny?"-he asked

Juvia calming down a bit wiped a tear away.

"Rogue is gay Gray" -Juvia

"Wait.. WHAT?!"-Gray

"Ahh I can't this is way too funny"-Juvia

"I thought-- you two-- what"
"I'm confused"

Gray is shOOK.

"Yeah I can see that"- Juvia chuckled

"I really didn't expect that"-Gray said remembering Rogue being really snappy about Juvia last time.

"Haha yep. In a happy relationship with Sting"-Juvia said happy for her friends


"Yeah lol"-Juvia

"Wow. They're cute I guess"- Gray said, glad to have the rival gone

"You know you're pretty cool when you're not an asshole"-Juvia

"Is that a compliment or an insult?"-Gray

"Don't know"-Juvia chuckled

"I'll just take it as a compliment"-Gray

"Do what you want"-Juvia giggled and Grays heart skept a beat.

~lets go to our lovely Jerza couple~

Jellal jumped into the pool while Erza put her one foot in to check the temperature.

"It's cooold~"-she complained

"Oh come on... I'll help you"-Jellal

Jellal got out of the water and walked towards Erza smirking.


Jellal just kept on walking and as he reached her, wraped his arms around her waist.

"I swear if you do it I'll kill you"-Erza

Jellal didn't listen though, guess he wants to die lol, and picked her up, throwing her into the pool with a groan.
Erza swam up as soon as she fell in and started kicking her legs and arms.

"Oh my god you're SO DEAD"-Erza

Jellal just laughed and jumped in after her. As he swam up a hand on his head suddenly stopped him, pushing him back in the water. Out of breath he quickly swam up and started coughing.

"You *cough* are you crazy???*cough cough* "-Jellal

Erza just smirked at him. Jellal splashed water on her and Erza, never loosing, did too.
That went on for a while but they soon got out of breath.
Erza was in the corner of the pool resting her arms on both sides and Jellal was standing in front of her.
Both panting heavily, looked at each other and in the moment of daze just leaned in... Their lips soon touched.
The kiss lasted some seconds before a voice startled them both, making them pull apart.

"I bet!" (gruvia/jerza)(side ship: stingue)Where stories live. Discover now