Part 7

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Juvia's POV

I..... am so fucking embrassed OMG!!! And sitting with him now didn't make it all better!!

"I guess I just fell for you all over again *wink*"-Gray

"Oh my god shut the fuck up"-me

Erza and Jellybean seemed to be having fun and giggled and teased us for the rest of the ride.
This is gonna be a looong ride....

I was leaning on the window trying to sleep a bit when I felt something on my shoulder. I looked down at the weight and saw raven hair on my shoulder laying peacefully sleeping. I was about to yell at him but Erza turned around at that moment whispering to me:

"Don't you dare wake them"

I just now noticed Jello sleeping on her lap. How the fuck is he comfortable enough to sleep like that??
I just sighed and looked out if the window again. I don't know when it was but eventually I fell alseep too.

#timeskip when they arrived#

"Wake up sleepyheads"
I heard Erza saying and opened my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and streched a bit. Gray must have woken up some mins ago too because he looked like it.

"Pffff hahahahaaa look at your bed hair maaaannn that's crazy!!"-me

"Yeah as if yours is any better!!!"- Gray striked back

I ignored that coment and continued laughing. We got up took our bags and left the train.
Erza looked at me and chuckled motioning me to go over to where she's standing. I went there and asked her what she wanted. She told me to turn around. Wtf??? I did though. She started touching my hair. She made me a ponytail...

"It looked kinda horrible"-she whispered

"You--- fuck you too!!!"-me

She giggled and went over to Jello again. Kinda cute couple...

We all started walking to our hotel that was like what? 500 meters away?
So yeah we decided to walk there.
Erza and Jelly were ahead of us so me and mr. Striper were left behind alone. Oh no wait we weren't alone! Awkward silence was with us -_-.

As we were walking, Gray suddenly said:

"Polar bear"

"Huh???"-I responded rather coldly.

"Just wanted to brake the ice *wink*"-Gray

"Pffff hahahaha!!! Actually I admit that was a pretty smooth one hahaha!!"-me

"Heeeh~~ *puts arm around her shoulder* so it worked?"-Gray

"Hell nah"-I said still laughing.

We finally arrived at the hotel and I admit it looked really awesome. We had two rooms, thank god, so me and Erzy shared the room 305 and Jello and Gray were on the room 307.

Our room was cool. It had two beds and even a lil pool in the bathroom. First thing I did of course was to test the bed so I threw my stuff on the ground and jumped on the bed. I must say it was quite comfortable.

We decided to have a proper meal at the hotels restaurant and Erzy texted the boys.

I ate some spaggetti, nothing special but it was still yummy. The only crappy thing was ice heads stupid pick up lines. With Erza and Jelly being all lovey dovey I was left alone to deal with him *sigh*.

"Do you have a name or can I call you mine? ;)"-Gray

"You already know my name idiot."-I answered annoyed.

"I bet!" (gruvia/jerza)(side ship: stingue)Where stories live. Discover now