Christmas special

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A/N: here we gooooooooo~~ Christmas special timeeeee~ I love Christmas so I'll try to put very much detail (NOT LIKE THAT!!! -to all hentais XD) and make the chap very long!!

I didn't find any jerza Christmas pics so here's another pic I found. It's really awesome lmao XD.

 It's really awesome lmao XD

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Juvia's POV


"Juviaaaaaa *creepy voice*"

"Juuuuuuuuuviaaaa *more creepy and gets a bit mad*"

"Juviaaa!! *stops being creepy and just yells*"


I lazily opened my eyes to see....

"Why the hell am I on the floor?"


I looked over to see Erza .

"Ah morning"

"*groans of frustration* morning..."-Erza

"Why am I on the floor again?"

" You wouldn't wake up *shrugs* ANYWAYS!!!!! *she looked at me smirking but happy*"


"You know what today is right?? "


"*she ran up to me and something touched my head* CHRISTMAAAAASSSSS"

!!! I looked over to my calender ,she's right. It is Christmas. I looked in the mirror and saw what Erza did to my head. A Christmas cap . I smiled. She knows what happened on Christmas and always comes to my house to cheer me up. And celebrate Christmas of course too.

"Thank you *smile* "-me

"*smiles back* no problem ! Now come on let's decorate!! *she ran to my living room*"

Erza totally is the best friend ever.

I walked to the living room still smiling brightly.

Me and Erza decorated the tree with blue and red balls and lights. We decorated the windows with some stickers and baked cookies.

Today we didn't have school either! This day starts great!!!

*ding dong*

Huh? Who could it be?

Erza happily skipped towards the door and opened it to reveal.....


"Heyyy!!! *Erza waved smiling*"



"I bet!" (gruvia/jerza)(side ship: stingue)Where stories live. Discover now