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Hey everyone!!!

I'm sorry this is not a chapter but it's really important so if you would take 5 minutes of your time I would appreciate that ^-^

I'm adding a gay couple in this story which is stingue (Sting x Rogue) so I can, in my own way, support and show my respect to LGBTQ+ people.

Whoever of you is gay, or trans, or bi or whatever... please don't hide yourself!!

You are extremely strong for making it so far.

You don't need to be ashamed of it but proud.

You have done NOTHING wrong.

Falling in love is not wrong it's amazing. Be it girl or boy or trans it doesn't matter.

Love is Love

And falling in love is NOT WRONG.

You are still human!!!

You are still you!!

You are not "abnormal". It's excactly the opposite.

You are unique.

Be it gay, bi, trans, questioning, straight or whatever. You're not alone. You're NEVER fighting alone and even if think so I can assure you I'm here for you.

Whatever you might be, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here.

If someone disagrees and starts hating one of those amazing souls....

Please leave.

Without fighting, without dissrespecting, without cursing without ANYTHING.

Everyone is allowed to have opinions but please keep them to yourself if you know it's gonna hurt innocent people.

I hope I could somehow help you guys. And I hope the others understand. It's still gonna be a gruvia/ jerza based story I just added this side ship to show my respect and somehow at least a bit support LGBTQ+ people.

Thank you for your understanding 😊😀❤🌊

"I bet!" (gruvia/jerza)(side ship: stingue)Where stories live. Discover now