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Timofei rudenko plays Aiden! He's so cute xD

Chapter 3•

"Your phone keeps vibrating." Aiden holds it up. I look over my shoulder and shrug.

"Just leave it. It's probably just work. Go clean up and tell your dad the food is ready." He nods and leaves with Layla.

They already helped me set up the plates so I make it my duty to put all the food on the table.  Once that's done I reach for my phone. Anna is probably losing her shit right about now.

My heart beat jumps up when I see I have a text from Cedric.

Come tomorrow at the regular place at 4.

I check the date and shake my head. Tomorrow I have two exams. My classes don't end until late and I've got a meeting with a modeling executive about an important job right after. And I already pushed the time for it to the latest because of my exams. I keep my days busy normally so I can keep the 15th open for this. Tomorrow isn't the 15th. It's barely the 11th.

I reply, no, can't. I'm busy all day.

I check Anna's text messages and there just reminders for tomorrow. I don't bother replying so I just slide my phone into my butt pocket just when everyone comes back into the room.

The house is super empty these days. I keep forgetting that everyone went to the annual celebration for our kind. Werewolves all over the world participate every year. It's a week long thing and it's filled with a bunch of events. I didn't go this year because of school. Layla and Aiden didn't go because the Luna didn't. Alphas normally stay and only go the last day of the celebration for the gathering of alphas so Wayne isn't going yet. And when he leaves the Luna and the kids will go with him.

"Smells great Jude." Wayne tells me. His bad mood seemed to have calmed down.

"Thanks." I grin and place the last dish on the table. Mac and cheese. Right when I place it on the table I groan and grab at my stomach. I close my eyes to keep my wolf at bay.

"Jude!" Aiden runs towards me.

I take a deep breath in. "I'm okay buddy." I grin.

"Are you sick?" Layla asks. She furrows her eyebrows in an adorable worried way. Just like how Luna does it.

"Yeah probably caught a stomach bug. No worries!" I smile more and take my seat at the table. I catch Wayne looking at me but I don't make eye contact.

Wayne serves Layla some Mac and cheese with salad and chicken on the side. Aiden gets the same thing. I try grabbing the spoon for the mashed potatoes but my hand begins to shake too much so I stop trying.

Damn it. This feels different than the other times. Is he having sex with more than one person? He should get a life and stop fucking everything that moves.

"Want me to serve you?" Aiden asks.

I smile and shake my head, "I'm good." I go for the mash potatoes again and ignore the shaking of my hand. Wayne and Aiden don't stop staring until I finish serving myself food. Layla is already eating and she likes it so that's great.

"Foods gonna get cold." I laugh and they both look down and start eating. They're so much alike.

Just when I'm finishing the door opens and Luna's voice echoes throughout the house. "I'm home!" She walks into the kitchen and her eyes widen at the site of food.

"Take my seat I just finished." I get up with my plate in my hand.

She smiles. "Thank you Jude. Hi honey." She gives Wayne a kiss.

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