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The prologue for the second book is now published! It's called Anthony. Check it out and comment your thoughts! I'm super excited for it but I won't post the first chapter until I finish this book.

So without further a do I present to you chapter 30. Enjoy!

Chapter 30•

My guess is that Arik sensed I came back. The moment I stepped out of Anthony's car, he was waiting right by his coven gate. It's on a discreet property, not owned by neither Cedric nor Wayne, for some reason.

"Arik." I smile. He returns it and appears in front of me, wrapping his arms around my body. I hug him back and take a whiff of his sweet scent.

"Jude." Anthony calls my name. I stop hugging Arik to look back at Anthony.

"Arik this is my cousin Anthony, Anthony this is Arik, my mate." I grin.

"Nice to meet you. I'm sure you'll take good care of him so I'll leave now."

Arik nods, "I will. It was a pleasure to meet you."

"Bye Jude. See you around?" I nod at his question and he smiles faintly. He gets back into his car and drives off.

"Your cousin, I couldn't read his mind."

I nod, knowing very well why. "He's trained to block his thoughts from others."

"I felt it though. His aura. It's dark, he's killed people."

"And so have I."

"No you have but not as many as he." I frown.

"Well I need to talk to you about the war." He nods and gives me a kiss on my forehead before leading me inside.

"What about the war do you want to discuss?"

"I want you to end it. I've already talked to my alpha and Cedric. They're willing to pull out of the war and convince the other alphas to do the same." Its quiet for a while. I see Arik think about my proposal which gives me relief. At least he's taking the time to actually consider it.

"No I won't do that." I frown.

"Why not? I understand why you're doing this but don't you think he's already gotten what he deserves? There's no need for a pointless war that will no doubt kill your warriors as well as ours."

"He killed my mate."

"And you cursed him. Making him unable to forget about what he did not to mention to suffer the rest of his life alone."

"He hurt you."

"And that wouldn't have happened if it weren't for what you did." I can see I've made him upset. My words stung but I need to do this to stop the war.

His face shows signs of sadness. So much that I bring him in for a hug. I tighten my arms around his body to reassure him that it's fine, that I am.

"This war is just going to bring chaos and death. I don't want to loss you after finding you so soon." This seems to do the trick because he hugs me back just as tightly.

"I don't want to loss you either. I will end this war." I smile against his shoulder.

"Oh! Sorry to interrupt!" We stop hugging and both of us face Angelica. She stands tall with a blush on her cheeks.

"Is it ready?" Arik asks. I frown, curious about his question.

"Yes it is brother. Jude, shall we?" She holds out her hand and I take it hesitantly.

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