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Diego Barrueco plays the guy at the bar. Name to be announced later lol.

I think it's time... (lol I wrote that back when I had written this chapter and I couldn't have picked the best time to make the big reveal. That's awesome.)

Chapter 25•

"Wayne what's going on with Jude?"

"Instead of asking me such a question, shouldn't you be with your lover, helping him recover?" Cedric scowled. The word 'lover' didn't fit well with him. "He's human Cedric. What are you doing?"

"Vince will be fine and as long as he stays by my side nothing will happen to him."

"When were you going to tell me about him? Huh? It's forbidden for humans to know about us and you know this. If word gets out that you're sheltering a human, the higher ups will come after him and punish you. Even if you're an alpha. Fuck Cedric, I wouldn't have brought Jude with me if I knew." Wayne doesn't stop his anger from coming out. He's angry his brother keeps hurting Jude.

"They won't find out and Jude would have found out since they're friends." The pitiful excuse flips a switch in Wayne.

"What's you're problem Cedric? Why go after his friend?"

"He went after me. I saw no problem in going out with him, especially now since I no longer have a mate."

"You're unbelievable! Stop with the ridiculous facade. Why do you think Jude resorted to such methods? It's you're fault! You made him do it."

"Why didn't you stop him?"

"Because I care about him! Unlike you, I didn't want you to keep hurting him. He deserves so much more than what you have to offer." Cedric growl and pushes his brother against his office wall.

"I do care! I care!" Cedric yell in his face. But Wayne doesn't show fear, just pity.

"I know but too bad. Stop caring. You have no right to care anymore. But because you asked let me tell you, he called me up and asked me for the number of the most powerful witch in North America. I gave it to him. He was successful with the spell but guess what? He had to pay a price for it, now he has to feed on humans to keep his wolf sated or he'll go mad. That's why he smells like human death. He had to pay another price but he didn't tell me what it was. Maybe that's the reason why he's so different, I feel nothing coming off of him. It's as if he has no emotion anymore. That scares me but I'll deal with it. I'll help him because he is my family. You stay out of it." A pain begins to form in Cedric's chest. Guilt. Very similar to when he lost Jude as his mate. Because of this feeling he let go of Wayne. Wayne is right and he knows it. Yet he doesn't want to believe it.

"I didn't want this." His voice goes down to a whisper.

"He didn't either but there's only so much a person can take before they can't anymore."

"You know why I couldn't get close to him."

"This could have all been solved if you would have just told him the truth."

"No it wouldn't. The curse would have killed him. I would have eventually killed him."

"So what, you're just going to kill Vince?"

"Better him than Jude."

"This isn't the way to do it. I've covered for you for way too long. Let Vince go and tell Jude the truth before it's too late. Tell him why you did what you did."

"Yeah okay 'hey Jude the whole entire reason I've treated you like shit is because I'm cursed to kill my lovers.'"


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