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Chapter 32•

I look at my sleeping Arik and then at the mate mark. It's beautiful on him if I don't say so myself. I also can't help but touch my own. The skin is still healing but it honestly makes me so happy. Just knowing I'm his and he is mine.

I kiss Arik's mark lightly. "You should stop love, or I'll take you once more." I chuckle and kiss him on the lips. He smiles and wraps his arms around my naked body.

"Can we still go to the place you wanted to take me?" I ask him. We didn't get a chance to yesterday.

"Of course my love."

We both hop into the shower and take turns scrubbing each other. It's nothing sexual but it's still satisfying. This, everything, it just all feels right. For once I feel at ease. Complete. And I love it, I can't get enough of this feeling.

I find Erik's sister and say goodbye before leaving with my love. We drive for what feels like hours. I almost start to question him because of the fact that I don't recognize the roads we're traveling on but once we arrive, the view is like no other.

"What is this place?" I follow his actions and get out of the car. We walk hand in hand towards the waterfall. It's a forest with tall colorful trees and plants. Birds ft above us and into the trees. Chirping away.

"This is the place I was turned. In 1767 I was running with my younger brother. We were playing a game of who would reach home first. At that time it was already night, and the monsters were out hunting. Rogues started chasing us and once we reached this point we jumped. My brother and I were hit by rocks once we landing into the water. I had managed to grab him and take him to shore. That's where I met my master. An old vampire that had witnessed everything. He gave us a choice. And we took it. My brother was too weak and didn't survive the change. But I on the other hand did. After years I went back home and met my sister. She almost killed me with her magic but I reassured her that I was indeed her older brother. She cast an immortality spell onto herself and hasn't aged since then. She did it for me. I tell you this my love because I can give you the choice, to grow old and be with me until it is your time to go or stay young, with me, forever."

I look up at him and smile. I place my lips onto his, "I want to spend forever with you." He smiles and picks me up, hugging me tightly, afraid to let go.

"I've never imagined I could be as happy as I am. You complete me Jude."

"I love you Arik, so much."

In the moment of our heated kiss, my phone begins to ring in my pocket. I groan and take out my phone. His name lights up the screen and my eyebrows furrow at the call. It's odd for him to call me. He hasn't in a while.

"Anthony this is really not the best time-"

"I- I don't know what to do Jude." My eyes widen at what I hear. He sounds like he's... Crying. But this is Anthony. He never cries. He's always composed and collected. He's the strongest person I know both physically and mentally.

"Anthony what happened?"

"This is all wrong. Why, why is this my punishment? I didn't want to do it. I swear I didn't. But I had to. I had no choice. I was never given a choice! Now... Now it's all going to shit. Everything is ruined because of him. It's all his fault. But I deserve this. I deserve all the pain and the karma coming at me."

"Anthony what are you talking about? What happened?"

"He happened. I thought I could deal with it. Pretend like nothing changed."

"Who is he? Anthony come on." I raise my voice and listen to his breathing.



And that is the end of Cedric! They're story will continue in the next installment of the series named 'Anthony' by continuing I mean they'll pop up haha.

Enjoy !!!

Cedric •Book 1 ManxMan •CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now