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Chapter 18•

"Pierre? It's Jude, I'm going to have to cancel on that dinner tonight. I hope you understand. We can reschedule for another time." I leave the voicemail and then I slide my phone in my pocket.

I look up and straight at the witch. "Thank you for this." I tell her.

"Don't thank me just yet. I only got you here through teleportation. That was something easy but what you are asking me to do is will be extremely difficult."

"But it can be done?" I ask hopeful.

"Yes. But what I need you to understand is that what you want is dark magic. And with dark magic there is always a price you must pay."

"What will it be?"

"I don't know. It varies. That's why it's so dangerous."

"As long as I'm the only one that has to pay the price then I'll do it." Her piercing green eyes start glowing. A shiver runs down my spine as she smirks.

"As you wish. Just one last thing. This spell cannot be reversed. Once I do it you will have to live with the consequences." I nod and she steps forewords. She opens her arms and her hands begin to glow green like her eyes. She begins to chant words I don't understand. Once she reaches me, she places her hands on either side of my neck and a stinging sensation appears. I shout out in pain and resist the urge to shift. My throat begins to dry and my body becomes heavy. I feel my life drain from my being.

At that same time I feel my wolf's emotions. Pained and restless. He's in so much pain.

"It is done." She announces and closes my eyes. When I open them I'm back in my hotel room.

That didn't take long. It didn't look difficult either. Was she just trying to get me to reconsider? And that pain... in the end it was nothing compared to what I've always felt with Cedric.

My door bursts open and my eyes widen at Cedric barging in. He turns on the lights and I wince. "Where have you been! You've been gone for hours. I couldn't contact you, I thought maybe your condition worsened-"

"You can stop pretending to care." I tell him. He looks at me questioningly. "I reject you as my mate." His eyes widen and his hand goes straight to his heart. As does mine. The pain is no joke.

Looking at his face he looks like he doesn't believe what just happened. I don't blame him.

"We won't die. I made sure of it. Now you're free to live your life like you want it. Same goes for me."

"What did you do...?" I look into his eyes and my breath hitches in my throat. A tear falls from his right eye and then more tears fall.

Why is he crying? He doesn't care about me. He doesn't love me so why?

Oh god... did he actually love me?

Stop it Jude. He doesn't. That's why you did this in the first place.

"You have no reason to be here anymore. You should go." I look down at his feet since I can't even look at him in the eye.

I feel a pressure in the room. I don't dare look up. This pressure feels dense and angry. After a few minutes Cedric turns around and walks out the door.

I can finally breath.


"Jude wake up we're leaving soon." Anna yells and I groan. She's unnecessarily loud this morning. "Shower up. I'll be in the living room." She closes the door and I get up right after.

I feel so weak. This sucks.

I walk over to the bathroom and once I get there I turn on the hot water in the shower. I look at myself in the bathroom mirror and I yawn.

It looks like my mark isn't going to go away.

I step into the shower and my body relaxes.

"Oh hey Jude I picked out your clothes for today. Nothing too fancy. Just some Nike sweats and a V-neck. For most of the day you'll be having photo shoots so there's really no need to dress all fancy. Oh and I already talked to Sandra and she said you can take any clothes you like."

"Alright." I don't even question the fact as to why she's in the bathroom while I'm showering. But I do question the fact as to why she's still here and sitting on the toilet seat when I finished showering.

"Here's your towel." She hands it to me. "How did your date with Pierre go yesterday?" She asks. Her excitement clearly showing.

"I canceled it."

"What, why?" Her smile turns into a questioning frown.

"Something came up."

"Uhuh. Okay well where is Cedric?"

"He finished what he came to do so he went back home." I answer.

"Is something wrong? You seem not yourself." Anna's frown deepens.

Snap yourself out of it.

"I'm fine. I'm still half asleep. I'll wake up soon." I grin at her and she rolls her eyes.

"Alright." She walks out and leaves me alone in the bathroom. I walk over to the sink and I look at myself in the wide mirror yet again. My eyes change color and I grimace.

After putting on my clothes and brushing my teeth we get into a cab to the photoshoot. Anna's poor attempt to speak French lightened up my poor mood. I don't know why I'm feeling this way. Should I be feeling this way? The man I have loved for 4 years, my mate, isn't my mate anymore. Do I still love him? Yeah I do. That's what hurts the most. But why go through so much pain for a man that will never love me? I need to forget about him and love a man that will love me back.

"Oh that looks fantastic on you!" Sandra compliments. I smile and thank her.

I look down at the clothes. They put me in a skirt but in a way they're pants. It's held up by a thick belt.

"Can you hold your arms up?" A man wearing black asks. He holds out and shakes a can of what I'm guessing is what's going to make my skin gloss.

I nod and do as he says. He doesn't add a lot and when he's done he leaves and I head out.

"This is the model?" A man with a thick English accent asks Pierre. My eyes lit up at seeing him. He never returned my call and when we arrived he wasn't here until now I guess.

"Yes this is him."

"Good choice. Let's just see if he's as good as he looks." The man smirks and I keep a poker face on. I don't like this guy.

I still look into his eyes and give him a confident smile.


So thoughts? Crazy chapter right? But I mean he did it.

Who hates that Jude rejected Cedric?

Who's happy he did?

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