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Chapter 26•

"Do you mind?" I give the vampire beside me a nudge. He's way too close.

The only reply I get is a hiss and a shove. Instead of picking a fight I look around the building. They had blindfolded me so I have no idea where I am. But this looks like a warehouse. Just with a lot of different people  wearing the same exact uniform. There's training equipment and doors on the sides leading to who-knows-where. I'm counting six doors on each side. How big is this place?

"Is your boss training an army?" I ask no one in particular. Everyone including the bar guy ignores my question.

I catch a glimpse of someone with a lab coat getting off of an elevator at the very end of this place. It looks like you need an access card to board it. Lab coat?

It's a guess but I think I just found the lab where they make the perfume. If I run for it I can make it in but if it's not there I'll be captured. I'm already their prisoner so what do I have to loose? Besides I still have my phone on me. They haven't thought about taking it away. I can take a picture of the formula and send it to Wayne.

I look at bar guy and watch someone hand him a card. It looks like an access card. Holy shit I can make this work. I have the opportunity to do it.

I look down at my cuffed hands and my skin around it crisp with burns. If I rub it more the blood will help my hands come free. At the realization I start moving my hands around causing friction. No one is paying attention so this'll be easy.

It won't work if I try taking the access card away from bar guy. He's too far away. By the time I get the cuffs off they'll notice and subdue me.

I watch the man in the lab coat walk towards us. Holding a binder. His access card is sticking out of his pocket.

"Amir I need you to sign this." Bar guy is named Amir? Whatever, this is my chance. He's so close I can almost feel the card in my hands.

"Take him to the cells." Amir orders the two behind me. It's now or never.

I elbow the man that's holding me in the face and at the same time I slide my hand out of one of the cuffs. I grab the lab guys' collar and pull him towards me. Once his access card is in reach I take it and I bolt. I hear yelling and a lot of 'get him's' and 'don't let him escape'. Too bad I'm not trying to escape.

All the people training come after me and soon I'm facing about 50 people. I'm so close to the elevator though and with my speed they won't catch up. I can make it if I drop the closest people around me too.

One steps in front of me and he swings his arm around to land a hit on my side. I see it coming and so I grab his arm and throw his body onto the floor. I jump over his body and I keep going. Once I reach the elevator I slide in the card and the doors open. I press the basement button as fast as I can and the doors start closing. A girl almost gets through the elevator doors but they close before that.

Once the elevator starts moving I finally breathe. My adrenaline is still rocking my system.

The only sound is the elevator music for some reason playing a tune.

My phone rings and I take it out of my pocket. "This is possibly the worst time you can ever call me Anna."

"It's an emergency! Uh I need you to come to my place asap."


"Uh where do I start? Okay so my grandmother came to visit me and I sort of told her everything about everything and she went crazy when I told her I put a numbing spell on you. Apparently it's forbidden...?"

"Anna." I deadpan.

"Yeah, yeah I know, crazy right? Anyways it's already been a few weeks of it active and that's really... REALLY bad. I have to undo it or you can end up damaged."


"Yeah I don't really understand it myself but my grandmother really wants me to do this. For your safety."

"Alright well I'm kind of held up at the moment. I'll come by as soon as I can."

"Okay don't forget to. I'm sorry about this Jude. I'll find another safer way to take away your pain." I hang up right when the elevator doors open and my only question is, why the hell was that elevator ride so long?

I don't even feel concerned with what Anna had just told me. I also don't have any opinion on her need to help me. Maybe the spell already has done its damage.

Well first things first I break the access panel so the elevator doesn't open. I start looking around the place and all I see is beakers and notes on walls. Nothing screams out 'perfume formula' so I do the most logical thing to do in this sort of situation. I take and send pictures of everything to Wayne.

I catch a smell and walk towards it. It seems off. Once I get to the source, it's in a larger beaker and right next to it is a set of papers. One in particular catches my attention. I take the picture of what I'm hoping is the formula and I send it to Wayne. I don't even get to put my phone away and I get an incoming call.

"Did you get the photos?" I ask him.

"Yes I did. Get out of there right now."

"I can't. Locked in here. Apparently someone really hates Cedric so they grabbed me and brought me to their base. I'm pretty sure it's the same people that are waging war against us. Most likely it's all because of something Cedric did so make sure to ask him. I managed to get away but instead of leaving I just ran to their lab."

"Who toke you?"

"That's just it. I have no clue. They blindfolded me on our way here so I don't know where I am. But relax I'll get out. You just need to call up a meeting and start replicating the same perfume. Oh and get some guys to look over the other pictures. The chemistry notes they have look important."

"I'll find you and I'll come get you." A door busts open and Amir runs at me. A few others run behind him.

"Don't bother. I'll get out on my own. See you soon alpha." I hang up and I crush my phone in my hand. This way they can't get anything out of my phone to use against us.

I let the pieces fall and then I hold my hands up in surrender.

"What?" Amir questions me so I just smile. He grabs me and takes me to where he came from. "You three, find out what he touched or if anything has changed."

We walk towards the staircase leading up to the main floor. No wonder they took forever to come down here. I guessed there was another way to get in.

"What were you after?" I could feel Amir tighten his grip around my wrist as we walk into the main floor.

"Yes I'd like to know too." I look to the direction of where the second voice came from and my wolf stirs. This man is either dangerous and my wolf is warning me or my wolf has taken a liking to him.

This man in front of me...


Hahaha I'm just so excited about where I'm going with this story. Thoughts??

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