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This is what Arik's warehouse looks like...  the training space anyways so just imagine lots of people and matts and machines.

Chapter 31•

The meet and greet went great. Surprisingly Cedric did take it upon himself to send me security guards for the event. Arik was with me the whole time and I got reporters and fans excitedly asking questions.

It's been a week since I talked to Cedric and everyone else for that matter. Anthony is still on his jobs and he checks up on me once in a while. Wayne, well I know he's always waiting for me to call and I do. Sarah tells me how much the kids miss having me around but it's not like I left. I'm just spending beautiful time with Arik.

A fuck. Arik. He's all I could ever ask for. We're opposites, I could tell you that, but it works. He's wonderful, intelligent, and even though possessive, supports me in everything.

"I'd like to take you somewhere." I look up and smile at him.

"Yeah? Where?"

"It's a surprise." He gets closer and leans towards my face, planting a sweet kiss on my lips. My arousal heightens and I grab his shoulders, bringing him down. I switch our positions and pin him down onto the bed.

"You're hot." I smirk and kiss him down from his lips to his neck. "No, Jude, really my love. You're burning." I stop and look at him curiously. I keep going after a few seconds though. I do feel a heat enveloping my body and an itch forming. One that I know only Arik can ease.

My wolf purrs inside of my mind and it gets clouded with erotic fantasies. I moan at just the feeling of Arik's skin on my own.

"Touch me more." I plead. Arik's eyes widen and for a split second go red. He uses his legs to flip me under him.

"Don't tempt me Jude. I'll devour you." Arik's voice gives me goosebumps and I can't stop my length from hardening under him.

"Devour me." I purr and he dips down and takes control of my mouth. His fangs graze my lips and he tears skin. Instead of pain and fear I'm blessed with more arousal and the need to moan.

Arik stops and takes of his shirt. I do the same. "You're in your heat." He comments. I just nod.

"I know." I get on my knees and wrap my arms around his shoulders. We kiss and his hands trail down to my jeans, succeeding in sliding them off. He works on jerking me off with one hand, and the other works on my ass.

"Arik." I shiver as he puts one finger in.

"You're so beautiful Jude." He kisses me on my neck and licks a spot. "May I?" I nod and the second he plunges his fangs into my neck he starts moving his finger in my hole. Those actions alone leave me moaning and release hits me like a rocket.

"You're so beautiful." Arik lays me in my back and starts kissing and sucking every inch of my body. Leaving nothing untouched.

"Arik please. Stop." I whimper and moan as I reach another blinding climax.

His lips graze my ear, "Never."

"Put It in Arik. I need to feel you in me."

"Patients my love. We have all day." He kisses me down to my crotch and puts my length into his mouth. I moan and grab his hair.

"Arik!" I whimper and my body spasms. Looking down at him I notice all the red marks on my skin.

He bobs his head up and down as he continues to loosen me. He finally stops and grabs my legs, placing them around his waist.


I grab him in anticipation. "If I do this i don't know what I'll do after." He says suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

"I'll break you."

"Break me?" I laugh hoarsely. "Babe I'm a werewolf. You can't break me." I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. "Do it." His eyes go completely red and without warning he thrusts it in all the way. My moan gets cut off halfway with the force of it.

"Wai-ah!" He grabs my ankles and angles himself to go in deeper.

"Oh fuck!" I yell and my body shutters with another orgasm. With this my wolf surfaces and almost takes over. He's loving it.

Arik dips down and kisses me with fangs and all. He succeeds in ripping open my lip but fuck I don't mind. I savor it.

This is what it is.

This is what it's like... mating with your mate. All the love. All the passion. This euphoria....

Fuck it's so good...

"Jude, love?" I gently place my hand on his neck, caressing his beautiful and soft skin.

I don't get words in return. Instead Jude shows me a smile. "More." Its barely above a whisper but I hear it nonetheless. I cannot help but kiss his swollen and cut lips, now healing. I can see his wolf has surfaced, his eyes are going back and forth from a golden color to his beautiful brown color.

I adjust my position and before continuing, I stare at his body aw struck by his beauty. His heart, his love, his body, it is all mine.

The urge to mark him is building up inside me but I will not do that unless he asks me to. For now I'll give him unimaginable pleasure.

I thrust my hips towards him and his body spasms as his throat let's out a moan; music to my ears.

He's so beautiful.

I get on my knees and place my love on top of me. "Jude, love?" He smiles and wraps his arms around my neck. He closes the gap between us and starts nibbling on my ear, then goes down to my neck. I feel his canines graze my collarbone.

Is he going to mark me?

I move inside of him. "Jude, love. Can I mark you?"

"Please." I smile and look at where I had bitten him before. It wasn't deep enough to mark him so it was already healing. I grow my fangs longer and thrust up one last time before I sink my fangs deep into his neck. He moans and his body spasms again.

"Arik love you - nh!" He dips down and bites into my collarbone, making me orgasm without notice.

"I love you Jude." He looks up at me with lazy eyes and kisses me on the lips. I return the kiss by deepening it. "Sleep now my love."

We lay back on the bed and I watch as he drifts off and sleeps. I stare at his beautiful face and somehow manage to sleep as well. With my love in my arms.

Sorry for such the late upload!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And I hope that POV change didn't screw with you guys!! Tried out a different method.

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