•Don't Touch Me•

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I'd like to dedicate this chapter to @KaySetonks for always commenting and being lovely!! You're the best!

Omg I think this guy^ Lionel Clerc will be playing Cedric. Thoughts?

Chapter 13•

"Jude are you feeling alright?" Ixel asks. She places her hand on my shoulder.

I grin and nod, "I'm getting something to drink, do you want one?"

"Yes please! Margareta on the rocks would be divine."

I take a glance at Cedric and turn around. He hasn't stopped staring and it's pissing me off.

"Jude!" I look at Anna approaching me and wow. She looks stunning. I think it shows on my face how shocked I am because she laughs.

"Like what you see?" She twirls around.

"Yes I do. Why the hell aren't you a model?"

She laughs again. "It's more fun managing them. Trust me." She winks and interlocks her arm with mine.

"Where are we going?" She asks.

"The bar."

"You're too young to drink." She comments.

"By a few months. I'll be 21 soon."

"Still they won't give you alcohol."

"Then want to get it for me?" I grin.

She rolls her eyes. "Yeah sure I want a drink."

Once we get to the bar she orders us our drinks. I lean on the bar table and I look around. Vince is supposed to be here.

"Have you seen Vince?"

"Oh yeah he was with another model. Uh... what was his name?"

"Cole?" She hands me the drinks and nods.

"Yeah... I don't really like him." She frowns. "He gives me a bad feeling."


"Jude!" I turn around and Vince is walking towards us with Cole at his side.

Anna takes a sip of her drink as I greet the two. The amount of dislike is coming off her in waves. I actually have to give her a look to get her to stop.

"Damn you look nice!" Vince winks at me with a smile.

"Likewise." I take a sip of my beer.

"Thank you thank you. Where have you been?"

"I was at the pre-party dinner for the-"

"VIPs! Holy shit that's great! How'd you get an invitation?" Vince cuts me off and gets all excited. I catch a glimpse of Cole's expression and I don't like it one bit. What the hell?

"I was with Ixel Vendov."

"What?" Cole questions. His expression is an I-can't-believe-this-bullshit type of expression.

"Yeah. She asked for me personally so I came with her." I explain. I try not to sound rude and I succeed. He ends up nodding and goes to the bar.

"That's awesome Jude! Damn I have to step up my game. You're getting all the good designers."

"Yeah you do." I laugh. "Come on. I want you to meet Ixel."

"Really?" His face lights up.

"Hell yeah."

We walk back over to Ixel and Cedric, leaving Cole behind. Vince kind of stops and I hear him faintly gasp.

"Who is that?" He asks. He nods his head at the direction of Ixel.

"That's the designer."

"No, no that guy next to her... damn." I start smelling lust coming off him.

"Cedric?" I kind of grimace but what shocks me the most is Vince's reaction towards him. My wolf stirs inside me and anger makes itself known.

I'm not angry though... my wolf is.

"Cedric... that feels good to say." He bites his lip and I growl. Vince freaks out and looks at me. "Did you just growl?"

"What?" I raise my brow and laugh it out.

"Oh." He laughs along with me. "Must be hearing things."

Once we get to Ixel I present her to Vince. They hit it off really well but what pisses me off is that Vince began to pay more attention to Cedric and Cedric being Cedric looked like he liked the attention.

"Hey Jude." Cole touches my arm so I turn around. He reeks of alcohol but he doesn't look drunk. Doesn't smell drunk either so that good.

"What's up?"

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asks. I nod and I follow him to a door.

Alright I'm definitely not liking this.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask him finally after we walk into a separate room. Why is there a room like this here?

"Sorry I brought you all the way here. Just needed to smoke and this is the only place they let you do it." He takes out his cigar along with his lighter.

"I understand. So what was it you were going to talk to me about?"

"I hate you. Do you know that?"

That statement takes me off guard but I quickly dismiss it. "No I didn't." I narrow my eyes at him.

"God I really hate you. I don't even feel bad about what's about to happen." Out of nowhere, hands grab at my arms. I swing my leg back towards my assailant. They groan and as I turn around I get hit in the head. My body falls onto the ground and I start seeing stars.

"Hey wait... I gave him to you. What are you-" a gun goes off and I watch Cole fall on the floor. His blood spills onto the floor and it starts coming my way. It hits me and his blood starts coating the side of my face that's on the ground.

"Let's go." I shake my head to get rid of the dizziness and I hit the man typing me up. My hit comes out weak and ineffective.

"Fuck he's not unconscious yet?"

"Hit him again and let's go! I had a silencer but maybe someone heard. We need to get out of here now!"

"Don't touch me!" I growl and kick the man about to hit me again. He falls back and I hear the other one curse.

I feel pain explode in my chest. I gasp and choke. "They wanted you alive but if necessary, we could bring you in dead." The other man with the gun gets closer to me and as his hands grab my shoulders, the door busts open.

Haii! Here's a new chapter for Cedric!! Sorry it was so short!! >_< Did you guys enjoy it?? Leave your thoughts in the comments!! I really love reading them!

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