Chapter Nine

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"Bye, Gajeel!" Wendy giggled, waving at her older brother. It was strange how one-minute Gajeel is smiling at his sister and getting protective over me, then the next he's yelling and getting angry. I guess that's just the kind of person he is.......

"See ya later," He mused, reaching his long arm out to mess up Wendy's hair. Little pieces of blue hair, stuck up on top of her head. She laughed, lightly punching him.

"Have a good day at work!" I chirped, smiling, still lightly blushing about what he said to Lily earlier. Was Gajeel being serious? Or was he just saying that as a joke? Either way, it made me giddy inside.

"I'll try, Shrimp. But damn Bunny Girl never makes a good deal," He grunted, rolling his eyes when he said "Bunny Girl". Lily chuckled, shaking his head.

"Bunny Girl is one of our most........ frequent customers," Lily explained, looking over at Gajeel.

"If ya asks me she comes in too much," Gajeel muttered, rubbing his eyes. I don't know why, but when Lily mentioned this girl coming in frequently, a pang of jealousy went through me. Why would I be jealous? Was it because he was with her often? I don't know exactly the reason why, but once he confirmed he didn't really like her company, I relaxed a little.

"We need to go, Gajeel. You know how she gets when you're late," Lily laughed, patting Gajeel's shoulder. Gajeel nodded, and the pair disappeared into the maze of different turns. I turned back to look at Wendy, then continued eating. Even though the pancakes were delicious, I couldn't help but forget about the taste as I saw Wendy look nervous. She fiddled with her fork, not even touching her food.

"Wendy, is everything ok?" I asked, sweetly. The small bluenette snapped her head up, lightly blushing.

"W-Well yeah! I just wanted to ask you a question is all......."

"Go right ahead!"

"A-Actually, I don't think you'd want to be asked......never mind," She muttered, looking away. I frowned, slightly cocking my head to the side. What could she possibly be afraid to ask me about?

"Please, ask! I promise I won't get mad!"

"O-Ok...... well........ I remember when Gajeel hurt you a couple days ago..... y-you said you were used to it........ what did you mean?" She asked, playing with the ends of her long pigtails. I gulped, laughing nervously. I didn't really want to tell her, so she wouldn't have to worry. But, I wasn't going to leave her in the dark either.

"Well, after my father...... passed........ my mother started drinking. I tried to get her help but she just....... just wouldn't listen. After some time she started to abuse me. At first, it was only when I did something wrong. But it got so much worse........ soon she started to hurt me every day. I-I remember the worst thing she would do....... whenever I didn't make her dinner right...... s-s-she would........"

"You don't have to tell me......." Wendy said, reaching over the table and placing her small hand on top of mine.

"I'm....... so sorry Levy! I'm so sorry I asked! This was rude—"

"Don't worry about it, ok?"


"Please, Wendy." I plead, not wanting her to worry about me. A girl her age shouldn't be worrying about someone like me......

"Ok....... if you say so. I just want you to know that I'll always be here ok?"

"Thank you," I smiled, taking another bite of my pancake, trying to get my mind off of my mother's abusive habits. She always used to hurt me where no one could see. Like on my back or my stomach, so no one would ask or see.


"What is this?!" My mother questioned, holding up her plate.

"I-It's your dinner, m-mom!" I squeaked, shaking in her presence. She laughed and rubbed her eyes.

"You call this, dinner?! You useless girl!!" She screamed, slamming her plate down on the floor, the pieces scattering all over the place, the food, along with it. She stomped over to me and violently grabbed my arm, yanking me out of her room and into the hallway.

"I'll show you what happens when you don't cook right, stupid brat!"

"N-No!! Please!!" I begged, tears running down my face.

"I p-promise to do it r-right next time!! Just p-please don't!" I cried, letting her pull me down the stairs into the dark basement. She flicked the light on, exposing the horrible items down there. There was a black table, blotches of blood scattered all over it.

"Please stop! I'm begging you, mom!!" I sobbed, trying to pull away from her.

"If you resist, you're getting twice the amount!!!" She threatened, glaring at me and squeezing my hand tighter. I stopped tugging, knowing it wasn't an empty threat. She growled, throwing me onto the table. My body, hitting the cold surface. I started sobbing, clutching my shirt. I heard the sound of a flame, and my heart was sent racing.

"This is what happens when you don't listen......" She growled, appearing in front of me with a lit torch. She walked over to the side of the table, lifting the sweater I was wearing so my back was exposed.

"P-P-Please don't I promise— AHHHHHH!!" I cried, feeling the flame dancing on my back. I screamed, feeling the flame starting to melt my skin.

(End of flashback)

I shivered slightly, closing my eyes for a brief moment. I fixed my dress, making sure it completely covered my back and stomach. The two places I couldn't let Gajeel or Wendy see. If they did........

"Ms. McGarden, you have a visitor," A voice informed, sounding awfully formal. I turned my head to see the same maid that told me to come down for breakfast.

"A visitor?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. The woman merely nodded, before running off to another room.

"Do you know who it is?" Wendy asked, looking at the hallway which leads to the door. I shook my head, hoping off my seat. I started walking towards the door, curiosity filling me. Who could possibly be visiting me? My mother? No way. I didn't really know anybody else.......



Ah, hello my lovely readers! Since I finished my NaLu book, Shattered two days ago, I published a brand new book called Your Words! It's Gale, obviously XD On a different note, this chapter is shorter then most, I apologize but I wanted it to end how it did, so it's kind of short!

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