Chapter 41 - In which I find solace in my ever growing madness

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Don't you give up

Get up off my feet and stop making tired excuses


"Merry Christmas!" 

"Ginny do you really have to yell in my ear?" I grumble as I pull my covers over my head. I hear Ginny laugh causing me to scowl. For a second I had completely forgotten where I was. For a beautiful small second all my problems and worries were non existent. For that one brief second, everything seemed to be okay.

But seconds pass. Time is fickle that way, it continually moves forward even if you need it to slow down. Especially when you need it to slow down. It doesn't favour people depending on how much they need that time-pause, nor does it speed things up for those who just need to plough through it. 

My mind races with the memories of last night. The conversations that led onto secrets being split. Too many secrets were split. Words were said that cannot be unsaid. Time just doesn't care if you need a second chance. It just moves forward. Each second passes and somehow you're supposed to just process and deal with everything. 

Well I choose not to. I choose to refuse to think about any of my problems today. What's more I refuse to think about the consequences of any stupid naive late night decisions I made. 

"Well it's not my fault that you spent Christmas Eve sneaking out and doing God know's what with who knows...?" Ginny trails off in an airy voice, snapping me out of my thoughts. I pause for a second, is there any scenario where I can just pretend last never happened? 

The duvet is pulled from my body answering my question. 

"Tell me all the details," she says in a firm voice. I groan as I turn away from her. This is not helping my situation at all. It's the complete opposite of what I need right now. Is it really bad for me to be selfish just for one day? 

"Can't I sleep more?" I mutter and Ginny just shakes her head at me. 

"I want to know everything," Ginny says smiling sweetly at me. "And if you don't tell me, I'll go practise the impact of mixing two experimental Weasley products on you by contaminating your food," her smile doesn't break for a second, but the look in her eyes are determined and I know this is not a battle I'm going to win. 

"Alright fine," I mumble sitting up and straightening my hair out. Where to even start? One second I thought I was doing fine without him and now he knows my biggest secret. He knows who I am. He knows. He knows. The thought makes me smile despite my reservations. 

"Oi, stop thinking about it, and tell me already!" Ginny taps the top of my forehead with her finger. 

"Nothing happened. We just talked for ages about... unresolved issues." I say offhandedly but Ginny just raises her eyebrows at me unimpressed. 

"Right, that's all?" She asks in a tone that makes me realise she doesn't believe a word I just said. 

"Yeah, it was good. We're good. I think," I add at the end. I'm not really too sure where we stand. I mean after I told him my name he just asked random questions about my likes and dislikes. It wasn't like any conversation I had planned out in my head with him and I'm glad. But then Fred came back from wherever he went and demanded that I leave so he could get some sleep. It was only then did I realise how late it had gotten and crept back into my room feeling rather embarrassed at the whole situation. I mean imagine if someone had caught me sneaking out from his room at that hour, the type of message it would send is simply unacceptable and just too dangerous right now.

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