chap 7

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We told the boys everything.

And the first reaction we get from Kavya is laughing his ass out.

"Are you seriously stressed over something like this?

You are just too cute." Kavya said between his laughs.

"Shut up bro! Youre not teasing my girl now." Aarsh said seriously but amusement was clear in his voice.

Brother you really have an AWEsome taste in girls." said Kavya with a secretive smile.

Aarsh scowled at him.

Like they were having a personal conversation.

And now even Takshil who was desperately holding his laugh burst up.

I was wondering what were they talking about?

But then again, when did these three boys make sense when they were together.

"And thats It.! if you don't stop making fun of my kitty you are so not getting any for a week." Taani told Kavya cutting the three boys.

Kavya was shut in like seconds.

He was pouting and gave Taani a puppy dog face which was just so cute.

But none the less they all three were quite so that was important.

"Dodo, you just don't need to worry, I am not postponing our date and the grounded thingy..Its not even an issue..When have I ever followed punishments?

I don't do well with authority.

You know that don't you? Aarsh said grinning mischievously and I knew exactly what he meant.

That stupid moronic maniac!

He just couldn't keep up for a day without innuendos.

  Takshil started snickering and Kavya joined in soon.

Okay! So much for being serious.

"But Aarsh! Your mom will be very pissed if go on for a date." I said

"She wont know that we are on a date" he replied.

"I meant if she comes home and finds you missing at home, she will definitely put two and two together and will know we are on a date. She doesn't have to be a genius to know that you always break her rules for me." I said in a duh voice.

"Oh come on! Thats my problem to sort..I really appreciate that you are caring about me but seriously, I am a big boy and I CAN handle my problems" he replied a in an irritated way.

I was taken aback by that.

What had I done or said to piss him so much?

Why was he this rude?

"Hey dude that was rude. She was just looking out for you." Takshil said.

"No no! Its okay, no worries. I did over react." I said trying to dismiss the matter.

"Lets all get back to the class, we don't want to miss the next class, now do we?" I continued getting up.

Taani and Kavya were busy with their talk to notice the conversation.

And Snehi was busy texting someone.

So only Takshil was the one to acknowledge the talk.

But I was still a bit dazzled from the way Aarsh behaved.

What had I done?

Did I do something this morning to piss him?

Because he was perfectly fine till morning.

What was wrong with him?

Maybe something in the class had his mood off.

Yeah...maybe something from class had him off.

I got up and was about to hug him before we left.

But without even acknowledging me or giving me another glance he just left.

I was shocked.

He had never behaved or ignored me like this before.

Aarsh left.

He just left without even noticing me.

That was all I kept chanting in my head.

I felt like crying.

A soft hand was placed on my shoulder and I look up to see Takshil there.

My eyes were filled with water.

He might have noticed Aarsh' s behavior and my tears because he gave me a reassuring smile.

I returned his smile with mine but it was more of a sad smile.

I just wanted to leave. And thats what I did next leave the chemistry lab.

I wanted to go home right this moment and go to my room and curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out.

But the more rational part told me that if I did that everybody will bombard me with questions and then God knows what will happen. But whatever will happen wont be good.

So I thought of going to the washroom and wash my face and then head back to class.

I took a left turn from the hallway to the washroom when I saw Aarsh strolling in them.

His class was on the third floor. What was he doing here?

"Aarsh what are you doing here?" I whisper yelled for him to hear me.

He turned and gave me a boring look.

Whats the big deal?" he said and sighed.

I was hurt.


I don't know what is happening.

Why is he so rude to me.

Hurt was surpassed by anger.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you angry at me? What have I done?" I hissed.

"Listen, I have to go now, I am getting late." he said and turned around to leave.

I quickly caught his arm In order to stop him, but he just jerked it away.

Dont" is all he said.

REALITY- a goofed up nightmare ( nanowrimo13)Where stories live. Discover now