Being a new student in a school was just scary because you don't
Know if you will be facing bullies
Or 'hell' mostly because you just
Graduated from elementary school and now you are a junior high. You will be schooling
At 'Freedom High' after a few...
Minutes."Hey! Wake up!you'll be late!"
Someone shouted. Rico, your
Sister. You groaned and stood up from your bed stretching. "Yeah yeah I'll be there in a minute."
You said as you grabbed your things and clothes before entering the bathroom to take a bath.After a few minutes you were
Done. You headed out of the bathroom and dressed up. You
Wore jeans, snickers and black tops for your outfit.When you were about to leave
Your room after combing your
Hair your eyes shot a look
At a thing. You walked over the
Blue box with a ribbon neatly
Placed on it.It's your gift to Jean Kirstein but you failed to give it to him because when you were about to give it to him he left because he needs to go somewhere without telling you. You can't even remember what's in the box because it was a long time since Jean left. You grabbed it and placed it in your bag hoping that Jean will be on the same school you will study on.
You head downstairs and saw
Your sister eating breakfast
That she made for the two of
You because your mother
Had died and your father was
On the other country for job
So Rico is the one who stands
As your parents. You sat on a chair and started eating."I hope you'll not get failed grades." She told you. "Of course
I won't. That's a shame. You're
Smart and I like to be the same."
You said. She nodded and continued eating with you.After eating you head through
The car and sat on the back
Seat while your sister was at
The front seat for driving.
She drove you to 'Freedom high'
And after a few minutes you
Were already there.You stepped out of the car an looked at the big school at your
Front with two large gates.
"Good luck!" Your sister said and
You gave her a thumbs up and
A smile saying that you are
Good.You entered the school with
No idea where your classroom
Was. Then you bumped at someone while walking at the halls and landing on your butt.
You groaned and looked up to
See a guy with blonde hair.He has two more people at his
Back and the one is a girl with
Red hair and the other one
Was a guy with raven hair with
A small height. "Oh I'm sorry miss." The guy with the blonde
Hair said as he stood up and helped you up."It's okay." You said smiling.
"She look cute!" The girl at his
Back said. "Um I'm Farlan. Are
You missing? Because you looked new here." He asked. You were a kind of a surprised because he knew that you were missing."Uh yes. By the way I'm _____." You said as you shake his hands.
"She's Isabel and Levi." He introduced the two people at his back named 'Isabel' and 'Levi'."What year are you?" He asked.
"1st year." You answered. "Oh
Your room is only there. At room
'207'. Nice to meet you." He said as he started walking away with Isabel and Levi."Thank you" you said smiling
As your head at room '207'.
You already found it and entered.
The students in there were quite
Many but you know you will
Be friends with them despite
Your lovely and friendly personality.You sat on a empty chair and
Started reading your book.
Others didn't bother to talk
To you so you just read your
Book peacefully until the
Class starts...After class it was already lunch
Time. You grabbed your lunch box from your bag and placed it at your desk. You stood up from your chair and your eyes blinked
Seeing a guy with dirty blonde
Hair and familiar face. You
Walked over him and he turned
To look at you.

Attack On Titan X Reader (One Shots)
FanfictionAllriiightyyyy! This will be An X reader book of Aot\Snk. Here you, the reader will be partnered with SNK's guys. I will tell some story so I can freely say what do I like to say without Stuttering which I always did When I'm telling stories. Headed...