You walked at your new school
Like you are a zombie or a
Ghost because your stomach
Aches .Your head are hanged low and
The half of your body is low
Too .you look scary in that
Kind of posture .You didn't eat anything,in fact
You don't like to eat because you
Stomach aches when you do .You aren't hungry and you are
Cursing under your breath .
You caught some glances and
They got away from you scared.You finally reached your classroom and the students became quiet seeing you .
"Are you okay?"you heard someone asks and you slightly
Looked up seeing a blonde haired girl ."I don't think so..."you said with
slightly cracked voice. "Did something hurt?"she asked and you hesitantly nodded ."Here seat there first."she said
As she guided you to a chair .
"Thanks .I'm _____." You said and
She smiled at you ."I'm Krista"she said and you
Nodded as she sat on her chair.
Something blocked the light
And you looked up seeing a
Dirty blonde haired guy."Is this your chair?"you asked
And he nodded .you went to stand up but he shook his head ."You can seat there ."he said and
You can feel a wave of pain
Passed your stomach and
You slightly winced ."You should be taken to the infirmary ."he said and you nodded blushing .
He put your arms around his
Shoulders and he placed his
Arms at your back and
To your waist for support .He started walking and you
Blushed ."hitting on someone
Jean?"you heard someone
Asked and he turned his head
To look who is it ."Shut up .she might get worse
Than she is now if she is not cured ."the 'Jean' guy said as
He started walking away with you to the infirmary ignoring
The guy .He sat you on a bed and you
Held your stomach tighter .
"Did you eat something?"he
Asked and you shook your head."So you're hungry?"he asked and
You shook your head again ." I
Don't know .it sometimes hurts
Even if I don't eat or eat ."you
Said and he nodded .He walked over a desk and got
Some medicine for you ."thanks"
You said and drank it ."Sorry for bothering you .now
You didn't have the chance to
Attend your class thanks to me."
You looked down slightly pouting
As the pain decrease ."No .it's okay .of course I'm excused .helping someone new
Can be an excuse ."he said and
You nodded ."I'm okay .let's go."you said and
Stood up properly ."my bad .I'm
_____ ."you said slightly blushing."Jean"he said and guided you
To your room which is his room
Too .All glances ate on the two of you
As you stepped in ."I'm sorry
For interrupting this guy's
Studies in this class .he just helped me."you said bowing ."You helped this girl?" The teacher asked and he nodded ."is
She the girl in the halls that looks
Like a zombie?"someone asked
And you looked up to answer ."Yeah I am .something just aches
But now I'm okay thanks to Jean-kun."you slightly smiled ."Well then you're excused .take
Your seats." The teacher said and
You nodded .you sat between
A tall guy and a blonde haired
Girl .After school you walked out of
Your classroom then you heard
Something annoying .You sneaked at the halls only to
See bullies .your eyes slightly widen because you saw that
They are bullying Jean .

Attack On Titan X Reader (One Shots)
FanfictionAllriiightyyyy! This will be An X reader book of Aot\Snk. Here you, the reader will be partnered with SNK's guys. I will tell some story so I can freely say what do I like to say without Stuttering which I always did When I'm telling stories. Headed...