You woke up early because you
Knew it was already winter and
You were so excited to play
At the snow and to ice skate.You ran out of your apartment
After changing your clothes.
You ran to a room and jumped
At the person under the blanket."Marco!wake up!wake up! Wake
Up!"you said happily as you
Can feel that you were sitting
On the person's stomach.The person removed the covers
Sleepily and looked at you with
Wide eyes ."what are you doing
Here (y)?"it was Jean and
Your eyes slightly widened."Oh sorry!wrong room!"you
Said as you jumped out of
Him and ran to the correct
Room where Marco is ."You're dead to me."you can hear
Jean curse as you jumped on
Marco's room ."Marco!"you
Called excitedly .Then he appeared at your front
Holding you at the waist ."wow.
You're early."he told you smiling."Let's skate!"you said as you
Pinched his cheeks playfully.
He nodded ."get ready"he said
And you nodded as you ran
To your room .You get an (f\c) thick jacket and
Some of your things before
Running to Marco's room again."Ready?"he asked and you nodded .you head out and
You can feel you were hit by
A snowball .You looked back to see eren
Laughing . "First blood!"he said as he run with the others playing
Snowball fight .You made an evil smirk before grabbing a snowball and throwing it to him .
It shot him directly in the face
And you laughed as you throw
Your hands in the air making
Peace sign in both of your hands."Eren you okay?!"mikasa said
As she ran over eren ."Gomen!"
You said as you walk with Marco
With your arms linked with his."Join us later!"Sasha shouted .
"Yeah! We'll win!"you said as
You walk with Marco.The two of you found the skating
Spot and you wore your ice skates .you stepped on the ice and immediately slipped but caught by your boyfriend ."You really are clumsy."he said as
He stood you .he started skating
And you followed him .He get a snow and throw it at
The Soroundings playfully .
"Let it go!" He sang and you
Laughed .The two of you skated and he
Held your hands smiling same
With you ."Do you wanna build a snowman?"he sang and you
Gave him a playful glare ."Go die"you said as you skate by
Your own and he followed you
Lifting you by your waist and
Skates as you laugh along
With him ."I love you"he said blushing.
"I love you too."you said as
You pinch his cheeks ."you
Look cute when you blush ."
You said."You two are going die!"you heard someone said at your
Back .the two of you looked back seeing Jean with his ice skates on
As he started skating after the
Two of you ."Go dieee!"the two of you shouted as you laugh .you
Removed your ice skates along
With him while Jean is almost
There ."Let's play snowball fight!this
Is a war!"you heard Eren said
maniacally while the others
Find their bases ."He's near roger."you said giggling preparing tons of snowballs leaning at a back
Of a snowed tree ."Copy that roger."he said as you
Watched Jean getting near.
"Where are you?!"Jean asked
With an evil smirk .You made a countdown Sign and started throwing snowballs at Jean .he shouted and shouted as he covered himself as he hide at a back of a bush .
"The victim is not seen .I repeat.
The victim is not seen."you said
Giggling ."copy that. Let's get near and bury the victim." Marco
Said and the two of you started getting near to him holding a bunch of snowballs."Fire!"the two of you said as
You throw snowballs at him
Again ."Ah ah ah I'm dead .okay! I'm
Dead!"Jean said slightly laughing.
"Jean you're out!" You heard hanji shout ."what?!"you and Marco said as you looked back seeing Hanji ."Back to the base! Retreat!"
You shouted as you giggle heading through your base.
Marco gave you a thumbs up
From another side of the road
As he makes snowballs.You sneaked and saw Levi and
Hanji holding snowballs throwing it directly to your
Friend's bodies ."Eren out! Annie out!Armin out!Connie out!"you heard hanji laugh as she prepared more snowballs."Sasha out! Reiner out!
Bert out! Mikasa out!"Levi shouted as he smirked .Then they saw Marco .they head
Through him without noticing
You .Levi hit him and he dropped to the cold ground
Playfully ."Marco out!where is-"hanji
Said but cutted off by being
Hit by a snowball at the back
Same with Levi by you ."HANJI AND LEVI OUT!"you
Shouted happily .you head
Through Marco and he is
Playing like he's gonna die."I need you to do one thing
For me before I go.......clear
My browser history..."he
Said as he closed his eyes sticking
His tongue out like he's dead.You kissed him in the lips and
He opened his eyes smiling.
"Ahahahaha!look at Jean!"
Connie said holding his sides.You head through jean and
Your eyes widen as you started
Laughing with the others .Two kids are riding at his back
As he cried internally ."why
Does this reindeer looked a like
Horse?"one of them said and
You continued laughing along
The others .*******
It was kind of a hilarious yeah?
Imagine you were in a war
When you're playing snowball
Fight .they will just gonna
Go like WTF.~Christy

Attack On Titan X Reader (One Shots)
FanfictionAllriiightyyyy! This will be An X reader book of Aot\Snk. Here you, the reader will be partnered with SNK's guys. I will tell some story so I can freely say what do I like to say without Stuttering which I always did When I'm telling stories. Headed...