You were a loner or what they
Call you a 'antisocial psychopath'.
You were quite offended sometimes but you just chose to
Be quiet for peace. And there,
Jean is standing at your front smirking like shit .your 'bully' ."So how's your ass looking at
Your phone?" He asked teasingly
As he tried to look at the fan fic
You were reading at your phone.
"It's none of your business."
You hissed. He looked at you directly at the eyes getting your
Attention and snatching the
Phone away from you.You saw him swiping your
Phone while you are being stopped by him from getting
Your phone back. Then you
Saw his eyes widen. "You're
He said before bursting out
Laughing. "No I don't!" You
Demanded but feeling guilty
That he was right.Days past and students at the
School started bullying you .
Their calling you things like
'Nasty' and more things that
Is offending you. Almost whole
Campus knows it and some of
Your only friends gets away
From you.You were on the rooftop of
The school crying and crushing
Anything you can see with
Anger. You pulled your hair
In frustration and picked up
An bottle.You starred at it throw it at the wall causing hundreds of glass to shatter at the ground. Your puffy red eyes blinked when you saw
A sharp ended broken glass.You kneeled down without even
Hesitating even if there's broken
Glasses. You picked it up and
More tears flowed at your eyes
As you starred at the sharp thing.You pulled out your white sleeves and pointed the sharp glass at your pulse. Then you felt the glass was stolen away from you.
You looked up with teary eyes seeing Reiner, he stood there wide eyed in shock.He quickly grabbed you up
And pulled you in a warm yet
Sweet hug. You cried more without even hesitating and
Returned the hug. "Shush .it's
Alright. No matter what is it.
It doesn't matter. All of us knows
What are those things right?
I know many people who read
Like that but they were just hidden. It's alright. I promise
This will stop." He told you.
He looked at your knees and
His eyes widen.He hugged you more placing
His hands at the back of your
Neck. "Stay calm." He told you
As he started removing broken glasses from your knees. You
Flinched in pain but being
Interrupted by his warm body.When he's done he carried
You up bridal style. You hid
On his chest as he started walking. After a few minutes
He dropped you on something
Soft and comforting.You opened your eyes seeing
That you were on the clinic.
You looked at Reiner who is
Getting bandages from the
Table before heading through
You. He cleaned up your wound
And put on some disinfection.He wrapped bandages on your
Knees then someone entered .
Levi. Your adviser. "What happened?" He asked looking through the bloody cottons.You didn't respond and Reiner
Gave a hand sign showing
How to slit your pulse. Sir Levi
Walked over you and held your
Face with only one hand. "Why
Is that? You don't need to do that.
It's okay now. No one is going to
Bully you or say anything about
That." He said and tears started
To flow at your eyes again nodding."I'm just gonna look if they're done." Sir Levi said and walked off. Reiner walked over you and hugged you. "Maybe we can do what's in the lemon?"he joked .
You chuckled and looked at him.
"No way." You said and he placed
A small kiss at your lips.\\Behind the scenes\\
Jean: aaahhhhh! This is hell!
Eren: *cries*
Mikasa: oh well. Shit
All (except for you and Reiner):
This is the end...Levi: 20 more times cleaning
This building!You and Reiner :suck that nasties!
***** I'm speechless.

Attack On Titan X Reader (One Shots)
FanfictionAllriiightyyyy! This will be An X reader book of Aot\Snk. Here you, the reader will be partnered with SNK's guys. I will tell some story so I can freely say what do I like to say without Stuttering which I always did When I'm telling stories. Headed...