Captain Lexi

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She was known as the humanity's
Second strongest Soldier for being one of the most skilled and
Smart soldiers. She was been
Feared by other soldiers because
Of her attitude and punishments
Mostly because she's a squad leader.

She walked through the halls
Hands on her hips. Soldiers
Felt shivers down through their
Spine as they listen to her footsteps getting near to the
Mess hall. Once she entered the
Mess hall they all saluted. "tch"
She said and grabbed her food
Before seating next to hanji.

"You know I like to capture another titan and investigate
More about their behavior!"
She told Lexi. "Yeah yeah do whatever shit you like to do."
Lexi told her and hanji pouted.
"C'mon Lexi. You always acted
Like Levi." She told her.

Lexi looked at her blushing a
Bit. "What the hell? Just finish
Your damn food." She told her.
Hanji shrugged it off and just
Ate. "Geez. I might die if I
Were punished by captain Lexi."
Someone whispered. "Yeah.
She might be the humanity's
Strongest soldier." Another one
Said. "And the most beautiful
Soldier." Another one added.

Lexi ignored them and continued
Eating. after she ate she washed
Some dishes because she thinks
That they can't wash it well.
Another thing about her was
She has black hair,steel gray eyes,
Short height and mostly a clean freak.

She got out of the mess hall
And she heard something smashed at the floor. She turned
Back to look at Levi who is
stomping at Jean's head. She sighed and walked over the two of them.

"Tch. Levi you shouldn't hurt your own comrades. I won't
Like to have weak and injured
Soldiers at our expeditions.
That is something idiotic."
She told Levi as she pulls jean
By the arms kind of a rough.
"What did you do you brat?"
She asked him. "I-i forgot to clean
The roof.." He told her standing up frightened by the two corporal's peculiar expression..

"Is that so...I will let you go now but if I saw that the room of you
Cadets are dirty if I check that
Later...all of you 100 push ups."
She told him. He took a big gulp
And nodded. She let him go and
He saluted before running off.

"Tch. Are you protecting that brat?" Levi asked and she turned
To look at him. "No I'm not. I'm
Sure I'll be throwing him or
Any of those brats from the wall
If they tried to disobey me. "
She told him then started walking off putting her left hand
At her hips again.

She remembered that she forgot
To get her paperworks at commander Irvin's office. "Damn .I'm tired of this ." she thought
To herself as she knock at the
Commander's office's door.
"Come in." Someone said inside.

She opened the door and saluted
At the commander. "Is there anything I can do for you Lexi?"
He asked. "I just forgot some papers." She told him lowering
The salute. "here" The commander said standing up and pointing at the desk.

She nodded and walked through
The desk. He bent a little to
Reach the table then she felt something held her waist. She
Turned around seeing Erwin
Holding her at the waist smirking. She struggled but in
Hell's sake he's stronger.

He started planting kisses on her
Neck that made her shiver. He
Slowly pushed her at the floor
Putting her hands above her head. "S-stop" She stuttered.

Then the door slammed open revealing that short man.
Then he entered and punched Erwin at the face knocking him
Out. "You alright?" He asked
The girl who is freezing at what
Had happened. Levi slowly leaned closer to her and hugged

"I promise. I won't let that
Moron do something on you again." He told her and put a kiss
On her forehead. "Thankyou...
You really are humanity's strongest soldier..." She said and hugged him back." And you really are humanity's most beautiful soldier." He said as they slowly  get away from each other and headed through Levi's office.

Behind the scenes...

Jean: ha the two clean freaks are

Armin: I don't think that's a good
Thing to say...

Jean: I will gonna-

Lexi and Levi: clean the whole
HQ or else you'll be a titan dessert!

Jean: oh shit!


Yeah first chapter is done! Now
Turn to the next one!

Actually I got this idea when I
Read an AOT  fanfic. of course.


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