Levi X Reader

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You woke up feeling the sunshine in your face. You stretched as
You stood up from your fluffy
Bed .

"My lady .breakfast is ready."
Your Butler ,Hayate said.
"Okay .just wait for five more
Minutes!"you told him ."okay .
By the way,the queen said you
Should be wearing a beautiful
Gown."he told you .

"Yeah yeah I will."you said
As you get your towel before
Entering your large bathroom.

You applied shampoo in your
Hair after getting wet and
Rinsed before using the soap.

After taking a bath you wore
A (f\c) gown .(the looks are
Your choices) .one of your
Servants made your hair .

You got down from the flight
Of stairs with red carpet on
It as you head through the
Dining room .

There your two brothers or the
Princes are talking about marriage. "Good morning
Princess _____" the maids said
As they bow to you and you
Nod sitting down on your
Usual seat .

"Mother why do I need to use
This kind of gown?"you
Asked as you eat your food.

"Didn't mother told you? You
Will be choosing the prince
You will marry." Natsu, your
Brother said .

Your eyes widen and you choke
On your food but given a water
By your servants .

"They said they were weird .how
They act was just weird."Grey
Said ."mother why didn't you
Tell me?"you asked your brows
Started twitching .

"I want it to be a surprise."she told you having a spoonful of
Rice in her mouth .

"In so much surprise I would
Have died."you muttered
To yourself and started playing
Your food .

"I guess I have no appetite .I'll
Visit the garden."you said but
Your mother looked at you making sit on your chair again .

"After eating breakfast we should
Be get going .you will choose
One in the three brothers of
Surveycon kingdom." Your mother said after wiping her
Mouth .

"Wait. Three? They said the
Three brothers was just weird..."
You said ."about that .we will
Give you time to meet and know
Them ."the Queen said and
You nodded .

*time skip*

You exited the carriage with
Your two brothers at your
Sides .

"Oh ._____ is going to be married."
Natsu teased ."it's hot. can I remove this?" Grey said pointing At his shirt .

You shot him a glare and he
Raised his hands .you observed
The castle and it was big and clean .

"Three? Seriously?"you said
Making an confused expression.
"Shrug it .at least you were choosing instead of being
Engaged on someone you don't
Know." Grey said putting his
Arms on your shoulders .

"That's just rude .what do you think if I already chose one of
Them ,the two will be sad."you
said .

"I don't think so .the three of
Them have different kinds of
Personality .maybe if you already
Chose the one you like maybe the remaining will just ignore you because they don't have interest
On you."natsu told you and
You pouted.

"Am I not interesting?"you asked
Still looking at the Soroundings
While walking ."yes" natsu teased.

"Not helping .why are the two
Of you with me instead my butler huh?"you asked .

"Cause mother wants us to observe them."Grey said ."what
For?"you asked ."of course for
You ." Natsu said .

"What a brother"you said and
The three of you reached the
Throne .

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