Jean X Reader ~you know...

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Before we start just a small things about this chapter.

You are a new student on
'Attack junior high' .which was
You know...AOT junior high .and yeah you look like a chibi.
No deaths and titans don't
Eat people!

Let's start!


You head through your new
School on your own. When
You entered the gates you were
Really amazed by how big is the
The school. You saw a group of
Students on the way to Titan.
based on the sign. You got worried for them because others
Said titans are big and scary.

You tried to call them but they didn't hear you, so you just followed them. Once you entered the humongous building you were quite scared. After walking for minutes you realized that you weren't following the group instead starring at the Soroundings.

Then a shadow covered you.
You looked up to see a Titan.
You backed and ran as fast as you
Can screaming. The thing is you
Weren't scared if it will eat you.
You're scared to see a naked giant. You got out and ran and ran again. Then you tripped.

"Uhg..." You groaned in pain and stood up weakly because you just ran like you were on Olympics. "Tch. You're such a idiot."
Someone said at your back. You turned your head to see a guy with raven hair and is quite short.

You ignored him and looked at your knees. It has a gash maybe
Slightly big but it hurts. You tried
To force a smile but it just hurts.
You wiped it with your hanky
But it's still bleeding. Then you felt you were carried. "Hey! What-" You said but you were cutted off. "Shut up. Do you want that to get infected and be cutted off?" The guy with raven hair said.

You shook your head and let him
Carry you. It's quite stupid to
Go with a stranger but he looked...clean. After waiting for
Minutes at his back he opened
A door and got in with you.

He placed you on a chair gently
Then you heard the door slammed open. "Hey! le-" There
Stood a girl using glasses with
Red hair. "Who is that?!" She said
And ran to you. You backed and looked at your knees. "This brat
Got injured and so I brought her here." The guy said.

"Awww! Don't worry I'll help you!" She said quite loud but you just gave her a smile. After a few minutes she's done. "There you go! I'm Hanji!" She said handing out her hands. "I'm _____. Thank you!" You said smiling, then 4 people walked in.

One has blonde hair, other one
Has dirty blonde, another has
Blonde and the last has black hair. "What happened?" The girl
With the blonde hair asked.
"She's injured." Hanji said.
" the way can I have your
Names?!" You asked rather loudly. "I'm petra, he's aurou, he's Gunther and he's Eld." She said pointing at each of them telling who they are.

"I'm _____! Nice to meet you!" You said. "You're so pretty" Petra told you. "Thank you and you too"you said. You turned your head to look at the guy with the raven hair. "Thankyou! I'm _____! And you're?" You said handing out your hands.

"Levi" He said and shook your hands. You smiled at him and he
Blushed but he turned away.
You stood up and bowed.

"Thankyou again. I hope to see you again." You told them. They
Waved at you so did you. You
Walked out and headed through your class room.

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